Photography Blogs & Tutorials

White Balance is almost always used to match what colors our cameras detect to the colors we see with our eyes. Our brains are very good at managing how we see color. A sunny day looks warm and bright, but the actual color of the light is skewed heavily blue. Indoors, incandescent lights are notoriously warm (yellow/orange) and though our eyes may detect little of this warmth, you can bet our cameras will. White Balance is how we correct for that difference in light color, and how we can... more

It’s like going through the Stargate, or at least down the water slides at the local pool. This very neat effect was created by YouTuber digi47. He says that he “didn’t realise it would create such a cool effect”. But a cool effect is exactly what it makes. I wouldn’t recommend trying this with a […]

The post Placing a camera... more

The world of commercial shooting, whether stills or video, is an attractive one. It can be a tough one to break into, but it can also be a lot of fun. But it’s not like shooting for yourself or for personal clients. There’s often big crews to deal with, time and budget constraints, venue hire, […]

The post This is the full budget and lighting breakdown on... more

Its been rumored for a while that Canon EOS 6D Mark II is coming out to replace the 6D. The latest information from Nokishita Camera reports that this camera will have an articulating screen and that it will be bigger in size than its predecessor. According to the rumors, 6D Mark II is almost there, […]

The post Canon EOS 6D Mark II may have tilting touchscreen and... more

These are my big five photography tips which I would take with me to a desert island, the ones I can’t live without. For those who have not had the pleasure, that is a reference to the BBC Radio Four program, Desert Island Discs, which has been running for more than 70 years. The simple premise of the program is that guests choose just eight pieces of music they’d want if they were going to be marooned on a desert island.

Desert island

I think... more

In recent years, super telephoto lenses by third-party manufacturers such as Sigma and Tamron have been made available on the market for really reasonable prices. Earlier on, photographers had no choice but to spend a huge amount in order to buy a super telephoto lens, but now these third-party lenses make it more affordable. One such super telephoto lens is the... more

Most of the reports coming in about the new Sony A9 are pretty enthusiastic about it. Despite the high price tag of $4,500, it seems to be getting a lot of positive attention from Canon and Nikon flagship owners. But today, we saw two different reports claiming that the camera has overheating issues. The first […]

The post First reports claiming that the Sony A9 has over heating... more

[editor’s note: So, you have some time… Clients are not coming in. Instead of pouring your heart into social media, how about you do something. Here are three ideas that can kickstart a photography business. Will they work? I don’t know, but any of those sure bits sitting on your bottoms complaining about the state […]

The post Don’t just sit... more

The shutter speed is probablythefactor which has the greatest impact on an image. By adjusting the exposure time by only a few stops, you’re able to completely change the appearance of an image. But what exposure time is best for landscape photography? Should you use a long exposure or should you work with shorter ones? When will adjusting the shutter speed have the greatest impact?

In this article, I’ll share three case studies where I compare how adjusting the... more

I love the immediacy of digital photography. In fact, Im puzzled how anyone managed to gain expertise in the days of film: it takes hours, sometimes days, to get any feedback on the shot youve taken. By that time, Ive usually forgotten about the camera settings I used or even what I was trying to […]

The post The story of the film: A beginners guide to black and white... more
