Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Street photographs on the surface may seem like they are independent of one another and can only go so far at telling a story, unlike say photojournalism. In some cases, this can be true, but there actually is a lot of crossover between documentary and street photography. Your street photographs can certainly tell a story.

If you look at the individual books or even the entire bodies of work of photographers like... more

Here is a quick video showing you 10 photography tricks or projects you can try at home using everyday objects. You may have some of these things lying around your house, if not most are inexpensive to buy.

Try some of these ideas:
  • Make it snow indoors
  • Use a magnifying glass for fun effects
  • Create your own light flare
  • Try some refraction using water drops or a glass

Have any others? Please share your ideas in the comments below.

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Having a personal project to work on is a great discipline for every photographer, professional or amateur. We all get stuck at times on what to photograph and can fall into ruts where our creative drive struggles to get any traction. Being committed to a personal photography project will help us develop our vision, creativity, […]

The post Three compelling reasons... more

In the following article, you will learn how to do creative landscape photography using a variety of different techniques.

The level of technical skill in photography these days is amazing. A quick Google search for any given location will show well-composed photos, taken during the correct lighting conditions, and edited to perfection. The number of people capable of taking these perfectly crafted photos is also increasing, and therein lies the problem. The number of people with... more

When to keep and when to hit delete on an image can be a tough decision to make sometimes. In this article I’ll give you five things you consider before you hit delete to help you with the process of how to cull your photos.

The emotional attachment lessens with time

I was shooting high on a mountain pass this past winter. Low clouds and scattered sun danced across the snow-covered slopes, blown by a chill wind from the north. The view below came and went as fog blew past, opening... more

The last time the family and I were in Florida I was less than impressed with the photo opportunities available (see Florida – Worst Place In The World To Take Good Photos). Several readers suggested that I needed to get away from Florida’s tourist trap attractions and visit some of the state’s more natural areas […]

The post Taking photos... more

Let’s start our day with a little friendship. It’s good for the heart and soul. Check out 18 friendly photos here.

By Felipe Bastos

By Tambako The Jaguar

Weekly Photography Challenge – Friends... more

Blade Runner 2049, the upcoming sequel to the 1982 hit Bladerunner, is, unsurprisingly getting a lot of people very excited. As bits of information about the film comes out here and there, it just heightens the anticipation. A new featurette released recently builds that up even more. Showing some incredibly beautiful shots, but also offering […]

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There are plenty of factors that can convey the emotion want to express through your image. While light is one of the essential components for creating a photo in the first place it also contributes a lot when it comes to the emotional impact. In this video, Jay P. Morgan shares four aspects of […]

The post Heres how to use light to convey different emotions in your work... more

What better thing to do that to just hang out with your buddy this summer. Better yet get a photo together!

Here are 18 photos that show what it is all about to be friends.

By Lenneke Veerbeek

By Stew Stryker

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