Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Even the most seasoned veteran photographer may use a pre-programmed mode occasionally in order to concentrate immediately on a shot rather than take the time to calculate exposure and miss the opportunity for the great image. But if you are a beginner at photographyor want to advance your photography skills beyond the use of Auto mode, begin by adventuring away from the green box.

When you are setting up your camera to capture an image, there are four basic results to consider: wide... more

I wish I could use EPIC in the title, but we have been getting some comments that the ‘E’ word is being overused. That said, this time lapse really is an amazing piece of work. Made by3motion this timelapse took over 3 years to complete and in the course of it the team traveled over [...]

The post This 4K timelapse Is Covering The Entire North... more

One of the nice features on Android phones is the ability to access the camera without having to go through the annoying process of unlocking the phone. While this feature is very comfortable, itopens a door to all kind of mischief. Especially if you have access to a friend`s phone. You can always take some [...]

The post Your Android Lollipop Camera Has a bug... more

This next rumor is to be taken with a chunk of salt, but its a huge one if true. Samsungs cameras havent exactly taken over the camera market, and its said that management has decided to pull the plug on its digital camera business. The South Korean company has not issued a statement regarding the [...]

The post Samsung rumored to be dropping out of the camera business... more

A U.K. based designer, Fraser Leid, has just released some details on his latest concept, the Tesla Drone. Reid made a special effort througout the design process to avoid conventions when it comes to modern UAV/drone design, as you’ll see in the photos. One of the most notable differences is Leid’s approach to the propeller [...]

The post... more

If photography has become an integral part of your existence, or is destined to be, chances are fair to good that you will find yourself staring longingly into the eyes of Lightroom like an insatiable lover. That might sound romantic, but in reality it is more like a hypnotic spell which can be difficult to break.

It’s easy to squander away lots of time fumbling your way through Lightroom.

However, when you find yourself in this situation, rest... more

it’s no secret – music makes everything better. but does it make you a better creative? Often times we find ourselves surrounded by ‘noise’ – blaring car horns, loud talkers, espresso machines, people cursing at the copy machine, even the hum of complete silence. It can be hard to escape sure, but the one way [...]

The post Using Music To Fuel Your Creativity... more

Check out this quick video whereScott Kelbytells you all about his NEWbook,TheBest of the Digital Photography Book Series.

Scott, the #1 top-selling author of photography techniques books for the past five years straight, has hand-picked nothing but the best, most helpful, most oh, so thats how you do it techniques from his ground-breakingTheDigital Photography... more

The selfie craze claims another victim, this time in Asia. A Japanese tourist visiting Indias Taj Mahal died on Friday after slipping down the stairs at the Royal Gate. An eyewitness told BBC Hindi that the incident took place while the tourist was taking a selfie at the famous monument. Local police reported that the [...]

The post Selfie-related accident kills... more

Last week we released our brand new course,Photo Nuts and Shots, which is all about teaching the tools, techniques and thought processes for creative photography. It’s by one of our most popular ebook authors, Neil Creek, and features over two hours of video teaching.

We asked Neil to create this course as he has a natural knack for explaining technical concepts in a way that makes the... more
