Photography Blogs & Tutorials

One element of composition that is often overlooked is the use of negative space – basically including a whole lot of nothing in your image.

Let’s look at a few images that use negative space, and simplicity, to create a dynamic and interesting composition.

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If you want to try something different this Halloween, how about trying some light painting portraits with your kids? Its easier than you think, and I’ll show you how its done in this article. Each photo in this article includes the before and after of each image. Click the slider in the middle and drag [...]

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Flowers are everywhere, and sometimes just the thought of going out to take pictures of their pretty petals can seem downright clich, because so many people do it. However, one reason flower photography is so popular is becausethese kinds of picturescan capture incredible beauty, without a great deal of effort. It’s fun to go outside and documentthe incredible array of colors that can be found in flowers, but it’s just as common to look at your photos later and discover that they... more

Spirographs are a unique form of light painting where a mesmerizing patterns is being light painting into the sensor. It is kinda the adult version of this kids art game. Interestingly, Spirographs are really easy to create and only require a flashlight, a camera and a dark room. Jason D. Page just put together a [...]

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The people over at Bokeh touch some of the most annoying day-to-day things that every single photographer encounters or has encountered at some point. From mounting issues to forgetting the self timer is on, this video will make you laugh or make you angry at the companies that should have solved these issues a long [...]

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Our texture store has already been up for one week with over 2,000 downloads and we are grateful for the comments, and suggestions that we are getting. WE are releasing a new batch of resources today and asking you to take advantage on our free (CC-BYed) resources to create a photo of your own. We [...]

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Lexar announced two new XQD 2.0 memory cards, one of which is the fastest XQD on the market, and a dedicated card reader. The cards are rated at 2933x (440MB/s) and 1400x (210MB/s) and will provide a welcome speed boost to the already fast system. Nikon, the only DSLR manufacturer who uses XQD cards, is [...]

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Autumn provides photographers with an abundance of colours and amazing light. When captured right, autumn can create images which are the envy of everyone.

For family photos, autumn can provide you with amazing backdrops, and a variety that can be matched by no other season. For this article, I took my own two children for a walk in the woods to do some fall portraits. Photographing other people’s children is always easier than your own, so I thought it would be a great exercise... more

Sony just keeps on disturbing the camera market. today they announced their newRX1R II camera(pre order link). It is a small, palm-sized, camera packing a full frame sensor capturing42.4-megapixel andthe worlds first optical variable low-pass filter which can be turned on or off from the camera menu. The RX1R II boasts a 42.4-megapixel back-illuminated 35 [...]

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Users of the (recently rebranded) photo sharing site 500px, are gathering to protest that Chinese now have access to all of their photoson 500px in seems to be a 500px sister site. 500px userAnne Sorbes came out with an angry post titled “Publication without authorisation” to the community forums stating that she is extremely unhappy [...]

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