Photography Blogs & Tutorials

One of the most important elements of photography is light. So it’s only natural that as photographers, one of the most important skills to have under your belt is the understanding of different kinds of light, and how to SEE it before taking a single shot. Every photographic frame needs some sort of light but the intensity, direction, and quality is always in question.

For natural light or outdoor photographs, early morning sunlight (when the sun is low in the horizon and... more

While in Bermuda with a group of photographers recently, photographer Peter Hurley managed to land himself a tour of the Oracle Team USA compound while the team is over there training and preparing to defend their America’s Cup title. The tour, arranged throughfriend and Oracle Team USA tactician, Andrew Campbell, turned into a surprise portrait [...]

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Along with all the usual announcements aboutmagical things and Siri, Apple have announced some of the new features coming to the camera and its software in iOS 10. As expected, facial recognition support is coming, which allows the camera to categorise the images you shoot automatically. But the big news is that iOS is finally [...]

The post Apple is finally giving us RAW photo... more

When it comes to gettingconsistent colour with your stills photography, regardless of the lighting conditions, camera model, or even brand, I can’t think of anything I’d rather have with me than the X-Rite ColorChecker Passport(CCP). just works, pretty much flawlessly. Forvideo, though, it’s not quite asuseful. So, when X-Rite announced that they had released two [...]

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Ever since Fujifilm unveiled their debut consumer camera in late 2010, the fixed-lens x100, the brand has become a favoritefor professionals, and enthusiasts who seek an advanced digital camera experience, that still retains much of the look and quality of the classic film era.

Fujifilm’s very first mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera, the X-Pro1, was released in March 2012to much praise from critics and users, and was recently replaced with its successor, the X-Pro2. Given... more

Sometimes, you get an idea that seems to beimpossible (or at least very tricky). After you think about things for a while and figure out the logistics of actually getting a wardrobe onto the beach on top of rocks, the solutions seem to present themselves. When you realise that this was the idea ofPhotographerFelix Alejandro [...]

The post How to photograph a wardrobe on the... more

External dials and gizmos havebeen common in the movie industry for years. Their sole purpose in live isto help speed up workflow and productivity, assisting with things like editing and colour grading. Now, they’re starting to become more popular for the regular desktop and stills editing with Photoshop. BrushKnob, developed by Japanese concept artist, Wataru [...]

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I’ve always been inspired by the night sky. But I always thought that it would be difficult to shoot. And I guess it was not easy way way back, but today’s tech makes it easy twice: new sensors are extremelysensitive to light and are producing great high-iso, low noise results. Thisopened up a whole new [...]

The post How I photographed these star trails at the Nabatean... more

Depression? In order to make this hit home what its like living with depression Ive written this article twice. The first half is during my mindset when Ive been depressed, how I feel, what I think. The latter is my reflection upon the previous article when Im in a better mindset. It took me 9 [...]

The post Creatives Against Depression: How it feels and how to progress appeared first on... more

Think of your last bad day of photography, a time where you just blew a whole batch of portraits, or even a couples wedding day images were spoiled. As photographers you cant go back and fix that. Yes if you use RAW, you can get some info back from under or over exposed shots, and editing tools these days can be incredibly useful. But, when you spend more time behind the computer than with you camera it can be a real confidence buster. It may even be taking away from future business, if not... more
