Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The resurgence in film’s popularity in the last fewyears has been a wonderful thing. Large format photography is only just starting to see the the kind of reawakening that 35mm experienced, but it is definitely making a comeback. For those that are already shooting 4×5, your life might be about to get a little easier [...]

The post Pentax’s new film... more

The Cinematography Database was one of the more recent YouTube shows I really started looking forward to the each week as new episodes were released. Now, thecreator of the show, CinematographerMatt Workman, has been forced to shut down the show in its current format over Copyright issues. In thelatest video to the Cinematography Database channel, [...]

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Butterflies are wonderful subjects for photographs, but not always the easiest subject to shoot. You don’t have to wing it anymore, and let good shots be a product of chance. Follow these tips and you’ll come home with some great butterfly photos.

1.Consider shooting with a telephoto macro lens

To shoot close-ups of butterflies, youll want to use a ... more

LED lightshave made massiveleaps in quality and consistency for photographers over the last few years.With camera ISO performance getting better and better every year, many are turning to continuous LED lights as an alternative to flash. In Joe Edelman’s newest video, he shows how to pick and modify some standard LED strip shop lights in [...]

The post Build your own set... more

We all love long exposures, well I personally do. They are a great way to create dynamism, movement, and add depth to your images.

In this tutorial, Ill show you two long exposure hacks that can be useful if your Neutral Density filters are not dark enough, if its too bright outside and you cannot get a long exposure, or if you simply dont have any ND filters. Dark ND filters can be... more

Hasselblad are about to make a big “game changing” announcement in a few days and boy have the rumours been flying. but one theory seems to be the most likely at the moment. Both Photo Rumors and Mirrorless Rumors are reporting that thelikelihoodthat this will be a new high end medium format mirrorless camera,containingthe same [...]

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It seems to be a thing these days for unknown brands to suddenly be jumping into the lens market with things we actually sometimes want and need in our photographic lives.Now, it’s Kerlee’s turn. The new Kerlee 35mm f/1.2 lens is being pushed as the “World’s First” such lens for full frame cameras, with versions [...]

The post Kerlee jump... more

Today, a weekafter an exhibition titled Bourne and Shepherd: Figures in Time came to a close in the plush locality of south Delhi, Bourne and Shepherd, Asias first photography studio and the worlds longest functioning decided to shut shop in Kolkata after 176 years. The studio, was still functioning out of its original, regale building [...]

The post Worlds Oldest Working... more

It’s Father’s Day todayand accordingly, my email inbox has been deluged with gift ideas for fathers. Even if they are photographically inclined (you might not believe how many press releases I receive that aren’t even in my preferred ball-park) the chances are that they won’t present me with many opportunities to feature them. I was [...]

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As the sun sets on a citys skyline, thousands of lights come flooding the concrete jungle, turning every urban scene into a photographers paradise. Every corner around the city suddenly seems too irresistible not to be photographed.

Urban night shots is probably one of the most common photos taken at night. The way most people shoot cityscapes at night is to keep the camera still, press the trigger, and snap the shot. The result is often an uninspired image, with overexposed... more
