Photography Blogs & Tutorials

This article is about how to build a useable file renaming strategy, and how to implement it in Lightroom. Your standard camera names are generally pretty boring. IMG this or DSC that, or even P0235425653. If youre not using continuous naming you might even end up with hundreds of IMG_0001 files. Dont laugh, I was there once upon a time after reading some terrible advice on camera settings.

If youre using Lightroom, renaming is really straightforward and accessible from quite a few... more

Night photography is something that goes beyond the average snapshot, something many beginners shy away from because it seems difficult. But the results of learning how to do night photography, especially of stars is well worth the time and effort required.

By Olli Henze

Weekly Photography... more

One of the trickier aspects to shooting video is dealing with multiple cameras, and morespecificallyhaving to match the colour and contrast of footage recorded by each of those cameras to each of the other cameras. Well, in this video fromIWLTBAP, your life’s about to get a whole lot easier.In it, we see how to use [...]

The post Create 3DLUTs in Photoshop to colour... more

They say that two things are certain in life; Death and taxes. Taxes we can’t do anything about, but I don’t think anybody until now realised just how many of those entirely preventable deaths could be attributed to shooting selfies. You just can’t seem to go very long these dayswithout hearing about another one. Some [...]

The post German tourist dies... more

We’ve all been there, we see a gorgeous beautifully lit scene before us while we’re out with friends or family, but we don’t have our camera with us. So, we go back… every day.. for a month… and nothing. No matter how often we may return to a location to try and recreate that day, [...]

The post How to enhance and create gorgeous light rays in... more

We can be star struck in more than one way. Celebrity sightings of famous Hollywood stars is one way, the other is by the celestial stars themselves – literally!

Let’s look at a few images of celestial subjects and see how they can be captured in photographs:

Star trails

By Shannon Dizmang

... more

I love digital analogue hybrid processes in photography, I find them absolutely fascinating,and this video from photographer Nick Carver helps to show why. There is, of course, another message in this video. If you like your images, print them. Print them big and show them off. I couldn’t agree more. I still shoot both film [...]

The post Making and framing a fine art print; What... more

With great power comes great potential for abuse. Back in 2011, Apple filed a fairly controversial patent, which would allow the cameras in their devices to be turned on and off at will by external forces. In theory, this would allow locations and venues that have“No photography” zones to enforce this rule more passively. Aimed [...]

The post ... more

I like Ted Forbes, I really do, and I’ve been following his videos for about five years, but this is a difficult one for me to wrap my head around. Part of me agrees with him completely butanother part of me vehementlydisagrees, because it all depends entirely on context and one’s goals as a photographer. [...]

The post Nobody cares about your photography appeared first on... more

Want to bring back travel photos that your friends actually enjoy viewing on Facebook? Want to make sure you dont miss anything when visiting a new culture? Then it’s time to make a list!

We all have our easy ruts we fall into when photographing, but travel, for me, is about expanding my view. Thats why I take a travel shot list and try my darnedest to get at least one of each shot when visiting a new location.

Whats on my list?

Here are some tips for you to help make a... more
