Photography Blogs & Tutorials

These days, you can’t really expect any kind of decentexposure foryour work on Instagram if you don’t use hashtags. It’s just become the nature of the beast. But where do you begin to determinewhat hashtags to use? Well, Reddit user Nick Smithhas come up with a toolto at least get you started, suggesting hashtags based [...]

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The current CompactFlash and SD Card standards have been around with us for a good while now. CompactFlash has already had its dominance challenged in the new battle between XQD and CFast, but SD has thus far been relatively unscathed. Samsung looks set to take SD head on with their new removableUniversal Flash Card format, [...]

The post Samsung’s tiny new... more

Laughter is contagious. One person starts doing it and soon others around them follow.

By Overduebook

Capturing real human emotions with a camera can be challenging. Some people are guarded with their emotions, and getting a real smile, let alone a laugh can be difficult.

If you’re a portrait photographer it’s your job to... more

The room in which Ansel Adams created many of his works has to be the absolute ultimate DIY darkroom. Back then, many thingshad to be made yourself as commercially available tools for most of what Ansel wanted or needed to do simply did not exist. In this video from Marc Silber, we’re guided through Ansel’s [...]

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It’s day 2 of our Summer Sale and today we have a special Adobe Lightroom Presets Travel pack* for you with a 72% Saving.

This “system” normally sells for $176, but it’s being offered to dPS readers for the special price of $49 USD – a massive 72% saving.

One of the best... more

Since debuting the Light L16 last October, it’s a product that many have been following with interest. Some see it as an interesting concept that’ll probablyend up being vaporware, while others can’t wait to get their hands on it and see what it may hold for the future of photography. The latest round of announcements [...]

The post Light... more

Our friends at eMotimo were recently kind enough to send us a brand new eMotimo Spectrum St4to review. The eMotimo Spectrum St4 is a four axis robotic motion control system designed from the ground up for cinematographers and time lapse photographers. With the Spectrum, users have precise control overpan, tilt, move (push/pull) and focus pull/zoom [...]

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It isnt always possible to get great weather when are out photographing. If you’re on a once in a lifetime vacation and you encounter rainy weather, then you have a couple of choices. You can pack away your camera and forget about shooting until the weather improves, or you can find a creative approach to make the most of the inclement weather. I suggest you attempt the latter, and when you encounter wet weather, look for opportunities to create great photos notwithstanding the rain.... more

When you think of the popularboudoir photographers out there at the moment, Lindsay Adler’s name is one of those that immediately springs to mind, and for good reason. Her work’s fantastic. In this video, Lindsay goes through her thought process when lighting a boudoir set in the studio, and demonstrates that you really don’t need [...]

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With all the amazing timelapses that are coming out lately, it’s getting more and more difficult to do something different and make yourworkstand out. Shooting with a 100MP medium format camera is certainly one way to do it, which is the route that photographer and filmmakerJoe Capra chose to take. Shot on the Phase One [...]

The post This stunning 12MP Los Angeles... more
