Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Today is deal 4 of our mid year sale and you’re sure to love this one…

Our Essential Guide to Black & White Photography ebook – just $6!

Weve never offered this best selling eBook at this price – so save 70% today only.

Grab your... more

Here’s a colour toning tip I picked up from Barrington Russell last year and I still use it to this day! What if I told you that within just 10 seconds of your time you could create complementary / harmonious colours on any image? Depending on how much darkness, contrast, light etc is in your [...]

The post The most powerful 10 second toning tip you’ve never heard of!... more

We’ve seen some crazy folks freaking out over photographers asking photographers to stop shooting but this one goes over the top. This is the first time I am seeing a photographer being threatened to be ran over for shooting cars. According to Alex Stone, an automotive photographer from LA, he was shooting on a public [...]

The post Photographer shooting... more

Elena Shumilova and her family moved to the country and she started photographing her two sons. Then she put her images online and something magical happened – the world loved them! She has over 50 million views of her images and counting.

In the first video below you can see how she captures the natural moments of her children’s lives in such a way as to captivate the world. Then watch the second to get four tips you can use to do the same and do better child photography... more

Although even lighting, and perfect exposure are your biggest allies when it comes to making people look their best in headshots, there are many small adjustments you can make in the editing process, that will make your shots (and your clients) look that much more professional.

To begin, a lot of things on the day of the shoot will be out of your control. Take a bookingI had recently, for example, it was scheduled on a Friday afternoon after a full week of the Annual Meeting.... more

It’s Day 3 of our Summer Sale and if youre interested in the art of landscape photography – this offer is for you!

InFocus Deals are offering dPS subscribers their Complete Landscape Photography Pack with a massive 89% discount!

For US$49 youll get US$450 worth of learning... more

After eight years of shooting exclusively [on] digital [cameras], working with film was a revelation. It made me fall in love with the process of making photos. Shooting film heightened the sensation of being focused in the moment, which is at the heart of what photography is about. I also noticed a difference in reactions [...]

The post Why I shoot on film appeared first on... more

I kept this post as a draft for months unsure if I should publish it since it discusses things and events that aren’t very easy to share. Just like everything else I write, I hope it can inspire / help at least one person from my personal life experience. People often ask me why I [...]

The post Why photography matters and how it helped me overcome depression appeared first on... more

We’ve seen it happening again and again, police detaining civilians photographers for recording or photographing them. The two stories mentioned here ended with police having to pay quite a bit of money for doing so. And in the end the message of photographers rights will go through (or not). But what do you actually have [...]

The post Here is the one thing you should say if police detains... more

Real, natural emotions captured with a camera can be challenging like getting photos of real laughter.

How to approach people photography is up to you. There are two basic approaches:

  1. The sneak attack with a long lens where the subject is unaware of being photographed
  2. The direct approach where the subject is engaged with you and the camera
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