Photography Blogs & Tutorials

It’s been a long time coming for Sony shooters, but they now have an official fast standard lens available with the newly announced Sony Planar T* FE 50mm f/1.4 ZA. No longer do you need to mess around with metabones adapters and put up with limitedautofocus capabilities, at least, not if you want a 50mm [...]

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Creating portraits outdoors in harsh sunlight is a pain. It’s why people tell you to not go out and do it during a bright sunnyday, and to wait until golden hour. Personally, I love it, although I’m often doing it with flash or reflectors but it can be done without those, too. In his latest [...]

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Get 50% off Tom’s ebook Ang’s World – A Life in Photography eBook, now only until July 26 at Snapndeals.

Right now is the best time in the history of photography to get into ultra wide-angle lenses. In the last few years, lens designers have given us quality that is far better than ever – in fact, far better than we ever thought possible. Yet you may have been... more

If you’ve ever tried doing a facebook live session you know that using your phone’s onboard microphone really sucks. Here is how we solved this problem with a $15 cablefrom rode. Of course, we do assume that you have a microphone capable of producing great sound (we are usingRode’s Filmmaket kit). So it is not [...]

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The Yi 4K Action camera from Yi Technologywas launched in China back in May. If buyers in other countries wanted it, they’d have to order from thereand deal with often fairly long shipping times. Now, the Yi 4K has been officially launched in the USA and isavailable on Amazon. Normally, Chinese action cams don’t tend [...]

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It’s Day 6 of our 7 Day Mid Year Sale, and for the next 24 hours you can grab a copy of The Complete Photography Tutorial Ebook by Richard Schneider at 61% off.

Richards guide normally sells for US$99. But hes made it available to the dPS community for just US$39, today only.

At over 250 pages, this may be the most in-depth ebook on how to capture amazing photography... more

It’s that word again. Exposure. It doesn’t keep a roof over your head, it doesn’t pay the bills or put food on your table. But can you capitalise on it and turn exposure into income or provide any other real benefit? New York based fashion and portrait photographer Jeff Rojas believes so, and in this [...]

The post How to turn exposure into income appeared first on... more

I remember seeing a poster on the wall of my fourth grade elementary school class that said, “What’s right isn’t always popular, and what’s popular isn’t always right.” The quote is attributed to Albert Einstein, and while he was most likely speaking with regard to issues of ethics, justice, and social equality, he might as well have been referencing the current state of image editing... more

Once limited to the realms of Hollywood, motion tracking has become easily easily accessible today. Adobe After Effects comes with three trackers. There’s the original2D tracker that AEhas had for a long timeandalso the 3D camera tracker introduced in CS6, which analyses your footage to recreateyour camera’s movement. After Effects, however, also comes bundled with [...]

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The company that brought us such amazing sequences as Jean Claude-Van Damme’s “Epic Split” and Super Bowl 2014’s Jaguar – Rendevous commercial seem like the perfect people to need a vehicle like this. As one didn’t already exist, they built their own. London based,The Mill recently announced the Blackbird, a vehiclethat can transform in length [...]

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