Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Ever since wanting to focus on colour in my images I’ve found that often times due to budget or location, that I just quite simply cannot get the colours I’d like right in the camera. This means that I’ll often have to change colours in post and that, of course, in turn requires decent selections! [...]

The post How to get killer selections with Channels and Vivid Light... more

If you hate the way you look in selfies, here’s some good news for you. Firstly you are not alone. Big noses, squashed ears and weak chins make selfies looks less attractive (maybe this is why duck face is so common). Secondly, this may change as researchers atPrinceton University developed an algorithm to convert selfies [...]

The post Software makes selfiels look as if they... more

PhotographerIan Norman was out on shooting some night skies photo inAlabama Hills near Lone Pine, California. The photos are gorgeous (as you can see below), which is pretty usual up till now. But some time into the shoot Ian notices a huge fireball over the Sierra Nevada mountains. While Ian’s“big guns” gear was not setup [...]

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If I show you two different portraits, one with a blurred background and one with a sharp background, you will automatically prefer the one with the creamy bokeh. Why? Because thats just how it is. No, the bokeh effect is very flattering because it isolates the main subject by separating it from the background.

If you did not know, bokeh means blur in Japanese, and it is purely aesthetic.

Most portrait photographers blur their backgrounds, and I certainly do it because when I... more

If you likeCinematographs, you are going to lovePlotagraph. In a nutshell,Plotagraph can convert any single JPEG into acinematograph. This is great news to anyone who likesCinematographs because creating those is a tedious and cumbersome process while (at least judging by the tutorial)Plotagraph is fast and very intuitive. Actually it requires no premiere/photoshop/after effect know how. [...]

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Remember thatguy in the truckwho tried to kill that photographerand eventually got charged with felony? This is kinda the same,onlyinstead of a guy, it’s a girl, instead of a car it’s a golf cart, and instead of the guy trying to kill the photographer, it’s the photo crewalmost killing the girl! We hate it when [...]

The post Biker... more

Everybody loves to get it right in camera. But if you dont, you have plenty of tools to help you make it right. Lightroom is one of the best available, and the easiest to use. In this article I’ll show you how you can use Lightroom’s Transform and Crop Tools to improve your composition.

The Transform Tab

First, lets talk about the Transform tab, in the Develop module. Transform is relatively new to Lightroom. Its an improved version, split-off of the Lens Correction tab.... more

Do people who take photos today still use the Sunny 16 Rule? Do they even know about the Sunny 16 Rule? I think it might be regarded as a little old-fashioned now. After all, it is firmly rooted in the days of film. If it isn’t being taught (and I’ve taken a quick flick through [...]

The post What is the Sunny 16 Rule and does it still matter? appeared first on... more

Earlier I shared a collection of images that show speedy subjects.

Weekly Photography Challenge – Speed

By Dave Young

By Chester Lam

Your job this week is to find and photograph a subject... more

Learning to clean your camera’s sensor is one of the most valuable skills a photographer can learn. At least when it comes to camera maintenance. It’s a task that many are afraid to learn, worried that they’ll kill their camera. These things are a lot more solid than most give them credit for. In this [...]

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