Photography Blogs & Tutorials

When startingon the path of learning photography, it is common for some to already have an idea about what theirwork is supposed to look like. Theyadmire and look at the work of photographers and want to be able to do similar work themselves. While this is an important part of the learning process, the best photographers all eventually go off in their own direction, and creatively it’s very important to think in this way. You want your work to ultimately be different. Here are some... more

The technological advancements that can be made in just four short years are amazing. 11 time Olympicphotographer Al Bello is taking advantage of that fact this year. He’s covering the swimming events using underwater robot cameras. Robotic underwater cameras at the Olympics aren’t a new idea. Reuters used similar robotsduring London 2012. But this is [...]

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Just a quick note to let you know that tickets have just gone on sale for the Gulf Photo Plus PopUP event in Berlin for the weekend of October 29-30.

If you are unfamiliar with GPP's PopUP, it is a road version/distillation of their world-famous Photo Week in Dubai. Each year, it is held in a far-flung city somewhere in the world that is not Dubai. It is done over a weekend, so as to be able to be... more

With the impending Perseid meteor shower peak over the next couple of days, night time photography has suddenly become popular. But when you’re expecting one of the best meteor shower views in years, what else can you expect? In this video from TIME, photographer Stuart Palley shares tips tocreate beautiful photographs afterthe sun goes down. [...]

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If youre a fan of motorsport, then youve probably tried to take photo of a race car on the track. Its not as easy as it looks is it? The high speed nature of motorsport photography tests even the best photographers and cameras. So it takes a special skill set to move your motorsport photos up to the next level.

Taking a photo of a car on track is one thing, but if youd like to add one or more of the following elements to your photos, youll start to create some special images. So make... more

Video capabilityjust can’t come to Prisma fast enough for some people. For band Drive like Maria, it certainly can’t.For their new video, Deep Blue, every frame was processed usingthe mobile app. Using a mobile app to process a video is not uncommon. When the app you’re using only works one still shot at a time, [...]

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When I upgraded from 386 to 486, my hard drive went from a measly 40MB to a whopping 240MB. Totallyblown away. Look at all this extra space I have!That was 22 years ago.Since then, memory cards that storea thousand times as much are the size of a fingernail and cost relatively little.2-4TB hard drives are [...]

The post You could probably store your photographic life... more

Photographing a meteor shower is more like photographing a time-lapse than traditional still photos. You can never anticipate where or when a meteor is going to streak across the sky. In order to catch them, you have to set up and take as many photos as you can throughout the night with a wide angle [...]

The post Your guide to photographing a meteor shower appeared first on... more

Outdoor portrait photography involves going outside, and utilizing the beauty (or the ugliness) of your surroundings. You probably already know some local beauty spots, and can think of some good places to take portraits right away. But once you start observing your local area with the aim of making portraits in mind, you will begin to see the potential, even in mundane locations. But how do you... more

Bloombergare reporting that the American Federal Trade Commission are cracking down on social media advertising. Users now mustbe very clear about paid product endorsements. Users are actually required to do this already, butfew do. Many advertisers also request that the social media usersnot mention it. It’s understandable why advertisers wouldn’twant the public to know. They [...]

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