Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Every shooterwill tell you that they all made the same photography mistakes when they were starting out. From horizon lines not being straight to poor focusing, here are some of the most common newbie mistakes and how to avoid them.

Newbie Mistake #1 – Dull Photos

Often, one of the first questions newbie photographers ask when comparing their images to the pros’, is why their images look dull. In the majority of cases, this is because of the lighting... more

It’s why mine always suck, too. Light pollution. It’s hard to escape it these days. It’s the thing that puts many budding astrophotographers off before they’ve really even got started.This video from Sriram Murali puts things into context. Filmed mostly inCalifornia, this short shows how the night sky changesas you get further from the city [...]

The post This is why... more

The first thing I was told to do when I wanted to learn how to photograph landscapes and cityscapes, was to always shoot during the sunset. I have always asked myself why, but the answer is actually pretty easy. You get amazing colors in the sky, dramatic clouds, and soft light.

You can photograph the most beautiful place in the world and I can guarantee you, it will look much better during the sunset. The only problem with this mindset, is that you will never take another image... more

If you ever need a good reason to not leave your baggage unattended, this is it. After a “hard black box” was foundon the steps ofCity Hall in Kansas City, what happened next seems obvious. The suspicious package was reported to the police, who promptly came and blew it up. KSHB reports that police were [...]

The post Photographer’s gear gets blown up by the bomb squad... more

Nikon have officially announced the D3400, their newest entry level DSLR. Successor to the D3300 and D3200 that came before it, the changes aren’t all that great, as you might expect. But they have added theirnew Bluetooth connected SnapBridge technology. There’s some pretty significant weight savings and the ISO limit has beenbumped up to 25,600. [...]

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It appears the first full images of the actual 5D Mark IVbodyhave been leaked. There’s a couple ofvisualchanges between it and its predecessor. The most obvious being that the “Mark XX” badge has been moved. This has allowed Canon to move the shutter release cable socket around to the front. The eagle eyed amongst you [...]

The post First full images of the Canon 5D Mark... more

If you are still not on the Adobe subscription model maybe this is the deal that will flip you. Adobe usually bundles Photoshop CC + Lightroom in what they call a “Photography Plan”. This plan usually sells for $9.99/month (or119.88/year). Even if you are a student, the price stays the same. Now Amazon has a [...]

The post Deal Alert: Adobe CC... more

We have all felt the frustration of editing an image either in Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw (ACR), only to remember that we forgot to adjust the white balance, or tweak the sharpening after we’ve spent hours of editing the image in Photoshop. If this has happened to you, let me introduce to you to something called a Smart Object.

Smart Objects give you greater flexibility in your editing workflow inside Photoshop.You can createa Smart Object when opening your image from... more

I always find it interesting to read about the things cameras survive that the manufacturers could never have foreseen. X.Fire and ice, car crashes, months under the ocean, rocket engines, and even babies. Photographer Brian Maneelyrecently discovered just how tough andsealedhis Pentax K-5 IIswas. While photographing a wildfire, it wasdoused with pink fire retardant and [...]

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Seascape photography isn’t something that’s really been high on my list. I’ve lived near beaches almost all of my life, but they’ve been a bit toofeatureless for my photographic tastes. If you arelucky enough to live near a picturesque coastline, photographer Karl Taylor offerssome greattipsin his newvideo. Some of the tricksalso workaround lakes, rivers and [...]

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