Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Tootsies, feet, toes, the often forgotten and less photographed part of the anatomy. See some photos of feet here.

By Greg Pye

Weekly Photography Challenge – Feet

This one isn’t hard – you don’t need any special gear, or an exotic location. Just go out and find some feet!

Think... more

For some of us, justseeing a white-tailed eagle in the wild would be a treat. Polish wildlife photographerKrzysztof Chomicz has seen plenty. Lately, he saw one in a situation he didn’t like, drowning in thick mud. Without hesitation, he went out to save it.This isn’t the first time, either. Chomicz rescued another white-tailed eagle last [...]

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Search capabilities have come on leaps and bounds over the last few years. As processing power increases, so does the speed at which software can run. This means more complex calculations can be performed in a much shorter amount of time. Which brings us to this. 500px’s new search feature which lets you search simply [...]

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PhotographerHoria Manolache had a goal when he started his latest project “The Prince and the Pauper“. He wanted to show homeless people in a new way to help make their stories heard.Inspired by Mark Twain’snovel, Horia’s series shows homeless people as they are and as they’d once dreamed to become. It’s quite a stark contrast. [...]

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One mistakenew photographers often make is always shooting from the same point of view – eye level – and always looking for subjectsat the same height.

This week I have found some photographers who looked at things a bit differently and chose to look down – to their own feet – or to other people’s shoes and feet. Here is a connection of images of feet(not all human necessarily)and shoes where the photographers chose to see a little outside the box.

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I always thought being the stills shooter on a movie set would be such great fun. It probably is, too. But when onehears stories and sees footage of them in action one quickly realises how stressful it is. Under constant pressure to get the shot, it mustbe perfect every time. Your images are going to [...]

The post What life is like shooting stills on a movie set appeared first on... more

Sony firstmentioned their new wireless radio controlled flash system in Marchand officially launched it in July. It allows the control of up to 15 separate flash units in up to 5 different groups. A very useful and welcome addition for Sony shooters. But, not every camera has been able to support the new system. Sony [...]

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Sales of photographic film have been steadily rising over the last few years, with professionals and amateurs alike rediscovering the artistic control offered by manual processes and the creative satisfaction of a physical end product In the early 2000s, the world of photography changed forever. Though digital cameras had been widespread since the mid-1990s, the [...]

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CNN have today announced the launch of CNN Aerial Imagery and Reporting (CNN AIR). CNN AIRis their own dedicated Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) unit. The network will have two full time UAS operators on staff “to fully integrate aerial imagery and reporting across all CNN networks and platforms”. Drones aren’t new to CNN, though, they’ve [...]

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Get 50% off Tom’s ebook Ang’s World – A Life in Photography eBook, now only until July 26 at Snapndeals.

One of the most important skills in photography is pre-visualization. The idea is that before you capture an image in the camera, you have a clear idea in your mind of what its going to look like. You preview the image before you shoot it. Colour or black-and-white in... more
