Photography Blogs & Tutorials

People frequently ask me what exactly is fine art photography? Before I answer, I usually take a big breath and brace myself to answer the question in the time it takes to ride a few floors in an elevator as they usually expect a quick answer. And, despite my apprehension to answering their question, I […]

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Perhaps “with help from a little Will Smith” would’ve been a little more accurate, but still. The “rules” of composition are widely known and hotly debated. On the one side, you’ve got those who swear by them, live by them, and can’t break free from them. On the other side you’ve got those who claim […]

The post Mastering... more

Lighting is a huge integral part of a movies success. The same applies to photography. Its all about the light or lack of it to create the drama in an image. Rim lighting, as the term suggests, is also called edge or back lighting. In this article I will show you how to create this dramatic style of lighting.

A rim light effect created in-camera and an Inner Glow effect added in Photoshop.

Rim lighting adds drama

Theres a particular scene in the movie Alien... more

If you’re not sure whether you’ve achieved good exposure, using ahistogram is the best way to check it. But there are some misconceptions about histogram youll hear from many photographers, even the most experienced ones. On the other hand, there are some facts few people knows or shares. In this video, Matt Granger refers to […]

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Jobs like White House Photographer fascinate me. It’s not that I’m particularly interested in doing that kind of work (quite the opposite, in fact). But that it’s so far removed from the type of photography that most of us do on a daily basis.There’s many different challenges. Different goals. It’s a completely different way of […]

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Howdy everybody. Registration is in full swing right now for the upcoming conference in Orlando on April 20-22, 2017 in Orlando at the Orange County Convention Center (there will be no Vegas conference this year, as Adobe is taking their Adobe Max conference to Vegas in the same time frame we would be there). So, come and join us in Orlando (but first, watch the official 1-minute and 7-seconds conference trailer below):

Lots of cool new things this year, and... more

I had the pleasure of shooting with Amy Wilder again! It is always such a joy to shoot with someone who is so on top of their shit. This girl knows how to work it. Normally when I do a shoot I’m trying to get as much “right” in one frame as possible. Aka the […]

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How far would you go for a shot? French photojournalist Yan Morvan spent his 40-year long career shooting gangs and wars. He was exposed to dangers, gunshots and bombs all the time, and even got kidnapped by one of the most notorious rapists and murderers in France. An educated man and a talented photographer in […]

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Everyone thinks they need a full frame camerabut are they really that much better? Most people feel the only reason they have cropped sensor cameras is because they cant afford a full frame one. Then you have to wonder why Nikon have produced one that is not full frameand comes with an expensive price tag. So who would be interested in the new Nikon D500? There are a lotof people who would love this camera and what it has a lot to offer.

Earlier this year Nikon released the... more

Lithium based batteries power a lot of stuff these days. Phones, cameras, laptops, and even vehicles. There’s a lot of “best practise” advice out there when dealing with Li-Ion and Li-Po batteries, but it’s not common knowledge. Most consumers don’t know how to look after their batteries. Or that there even are suggested ways to […]

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