Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Do you prefer natural light over studio light? Peter McKinnon does, and in his latest tutorial, he shows a simple way to make your own natural light when you dont have enough of the real one. And not only is it simple, but you can make this setup for about $80, maybe even less. If […]

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RAISR stands for Rapid and Accurate Image Super-Resolution. It’s Google’sprototype software which utilises machine learning to provide better quality upsampling of low resolution images. They first showed off the technology in November last year, but now Google have announced that RAISR has been implemented into Google+ for Android. The point of the technology is to […]

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When creating studio portraits, its good to make the subject stand out from the background. Most photographers know this, but many still make the mistake and dont backlight their models properly (or at all). In this short video, photographer Manny Ortiz will show you three easy ways to backlight your model and make it separate […]

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In 2016, I joined team Fuji after being extremely impressed with the X-T2 body. I had been watching mirrorless technology for a while, but this was the first time a system had everything I wanted in a camera body. While I finally had a satisfying mirrorless experience, with great autofocus, low-light capabilities, and image quality, […]

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Fujifilm have today announced two new X-Series cameras, the X100F and X-T20, along with a new XF 50mm f/2 R WR lens.The X100F represents the fourth generation in the X100 series and comes with the 24.3MP sensor found in the higher endX-Pro2 and X-T2cameras. The X-T20 also comes with the24.3MP sensor and shoots 4K video. […]

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  Everyone has those days when it would be better if they just stayed in bed. Photographers also have them, and often things simply dont go as youve planned. Thomas Heaton shows what it looks like when a landscape photographer has a bad day. And no matter what kind of photography you do, youve probably […]

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One of the biggest issues for those looking to expand their lighting setup is colour consistency. Even expensive ones can be very slightly out from each other. Even within a single brand, different models or generations of light can also be a little different to each other. But the problem is especially so with cheap […]

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  DJI is terminating the production of Phantom 4 only ten months after its release. They recently sent their dealers a message, notifying them about the updates on DJI products. And after releasing Phantom 4 in March 2016, in January 2017 its already time to say goodbye to it. This is the message DJI sent […]

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The new Leica M10 is here! The latest addition to the loved M-system lineup is available for preorders, and Its unique balance of heritage and technical innovation embodies the essence of everything that is truly important for photography. This is the thinnest digital M camera of all time, with improved performance and more intuitive handling. […]

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Here’s a (semi) fun way to start the year off right – it’s time to calibrate the focus of your lenses! Most DSLRs offer options for micro adjustment or to fine tune the focus of attached lenses. If you happen to use Sigma ART series lenses, you can also use Sigma’s USB Dock for even […]

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