Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The World of analog photography keeps surprising me every day a bit more! I recently read about a technique called Stand Development so I have decided to try it myself. For those of who never heard of it before, let me explain you the differences between a normal development process. When developing, as recommended by […]

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No matter how hard you try, your sensor will eventually get a few specks of dust. Now, you have two options: clean the sensor, or clean the photos by removing the dust spots in post-processing. If you prefer the second method, this short video by Benjamin Warde will show you how to make sure you […]

The post Quick tip: How to make sure you didnt miss a single dust spot in... more

Although tilt-shift lenses have many uses, one of the most common for timelapse photographers is miniaturisation. Tilt-shift lenses are expensive, though. Certainly worth the investment for things like architecture or products. But for most of us, who’ll only use it very occasionally, not so much. Most of the time, the look is simulated in post. […]

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What was your most common mistake when you were a beginner in photography? We all make mistakes, but fortunately – we learn from them, so we become better and better. Rachel and Daniel from Mango Studio point out three most common mistakes almost every new photographer makes, but also offer ways to overcome them. Did […]

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Who doesn’t want special super powers? Popular culture is awash these days with characters with added extras. To date, these include wizards with magic wands, Jedi’s with light sabers, and now there are photographers with pixelsticks! That’s right, welcome to the futurebecause... more

  Cheap light panels and cheap softboxes to go along are a lifesaver when you’re on a tight budget. But softbox with a spongy strap cant be attached quickly (especially if youre clumsy). Also, it wont stay in place when you attach it to the LED panel. This video by Macroscope Pictures will show you […]

The post How to quickly upgrade your 160 LED panel softbox for less... more

The remaining three of four filmmakers who decided to ignore signs and trample the Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone National Park, last year have now been sentenced. The incident happened in July 2016. In November, one of the four, Hamish McNab Campbell Cross pleaded guilty to foot travel in a thermal area and disorderly conduct. […]

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If you enjoy watching time-lapse videos, then you’ve heard ofMorten Rustad.After his video “NORWAY – A Time-Lapse Adventure”, he now has a new gorgeous time-lapse video out. SEASONS of NORWAY – A Time-Lapse Adventure is recorded in 8K, and it covers 20,000 kilometers of a beautiful country of Norway. It was shot within a course […]

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If you wonder who was at Donald Trump’s recent inauguration, here’s something to satisfy your curiosity. CNN takes you there with a single image, as they have published a gigapixel photo of the event. Since gigapixel technology has taken off in the past couple of years, it was probably expected. So, now you can finally […]

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  According to theoretical physics, nothing is faster than the speed of light. However, now you can see with your own eyes the first ever recording of a sonic boom – created by light. Or scientifically called a photonic Mach cone. It was recorded by researchers at Washington University in St. Louis, and they used […]

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