Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Combining two or more exposures into a single image is a technique that almost certainly began as an accident (much like photography itself). When using early film cameras, it was all too easy to press the shutter button while forgetting to change the plate – a faux pas that was generally rewarded with an overexposed jumbled mess. When roll films became popular, camera manufacturers thought it prudent to build a mechanical interlock into the film advance mechanism to prevent accidental... more

Combining two or more exposures into a single image is a technique that almost certainly began as an accident (much like photography itself). When using early film cameras, it was all too easy to press the shutter button while forgetting to change the plate – a faux pas that was generally rewarded with an overexposed jumbled mess. When roll films became popular, camera manufacturers thought it prudent to build a mechanical interlock into the film advance mechanism to prevent accidental... more

Have you ever heard of an app called Burbn? It has nothing to do with real bourbon, but it used to be the name of one of the most popular apps today: Instagram. They started off as an app for location check-inand developed in a direction that brought them worldwide popularity and millions of users. […]

The post Is Instagram repeating its own mistakes and moving towards its end... more

From one article comes another – One plus of being a Fuji X Photographer is that Fuji will lend you gear to try. When I did an overview of the 18-55 Kit lens, a commenter asked about the difference between it and... more

From one article comes another – One plus of being a Fuji X Photographer is that Fuji will lend you gear to try. When I did an overview of the 18-55 Kit lens, a commenter asked about the difference between it and... more

Selfies are a 21st-century thing, right? Well, they certainly got popular in the 2000s, but the first selfies were taken way back. Before it was cool. Photographer Joseph Byron may be responsible for the first selfies ever taken, both individual and group. I think they could easily get tons of likes on Instagram today. Joseph […]

The post Taking selfies before it was cool: these may be the first selfies ever made... more

Tamron has introduced two new lenses: tele-zoom SP 70-200mm f/2.8 and ultra-wide 10-24mm f/3.5-4.5. They feature improved optical performance and some new features to make image quality even better. These lenses are versatile, affordable, and definitely competing with Nikon and Canon in terms their prices. 10-24mm F/3.5-4.5 Di II VC HLD (Model B023) Model B023 […]

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This might be one of the most nutty DIY projects I’ve seen. But that could be because it’s based on one of the craziest concepts I’ve seen. At CES, Razer unviled Project Valerie, a laptop that contained 3 monitors. Unfortunately, Razer say that at the moment, it’s basically a concept, and there’s just a couple […]

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Sad news comes from Italy. Lino Manfrotto passed away on Sunday, February 5th at the age of 80. He used to be an Italian photojournalist, but we all know him as the founder of Manfrotto, the leading brand of camera and lighting support gear. Lino Manfrotto worked as a photojournalist for a local press company […]

The post Lino Manfrotto, the founder of Manfrotto, passes away at... more

For me, finding portrait locations is fairly easy. But most of my shootsare in rural locations and I am able to pick locations well in advance. But sometimes you don’t have that luxury. I’ve experienced that, too. You find yourself in a town or city with a subject, and no particular location planned. So, you […]

The post 3 tips to find portrait locations in the most... more
