Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The Winners of our recent Tamron Holiday Competition for a Tamron SP 45mm F/1.8 Di VC USD and a Tamron SP 70-300mm Di VC USD lens are


A HUGE thank you to everyone who entered our recent competition to win an SP 45mm F/1.8 Di VC USD and an SP 70-300mm Di VC USD lens from our friends at Tamron. Yet again, the response was absolutely AMAZING with over 400 entries! But nowonto the winners!

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We’re used to seeingThe Slow Mo Guys impress us with some pretty amazing things. They make even the mundane look amazing, and show us things in completely new ways. This, though, has to be one of their most beautiful videos ever. Back in 2014, they exploded a car airbag at 2500fps and it looked very […]

The post 25 airbags making a super... more

Using a speedlight at weddings and events take me back down memory lane to my very first paid wedding. I had the most basic digital camera, my trusty Nikon D40, the 18-55mm kit lens, a telephoto I bought separately 55-200mm f/4-5.6, and a 50mm 1.8D. What did I know about weddings? Hardly anything technical for sure but I had bags of creativity which got me hired. We have to start somewhere. But before anyone judges me at touting my wedding photography as a professional, well I wasn’t.... more

The biggest problem with action cameras, pretty much any action camera, is the microphone. Whether it’s the original YI HD, the YI4K or even aGoPro, their sound just tends to suck pretty badly. But, it’s not really a surprise. The main intent of action cameras is for recording fast sports action with a wide field […]

The post 2 DIY Microphone hacks for the YI Action Camera... more

After announcing the delay of DL-series, it appears that Nikon won’t be launching it at all. The company has decided to cancel all three cameras from the DL-series of premium contact cameras. As they announced, the reason is concerns regarding their profitability. It appears that several factors affect the production of this line, and despite […]

The post... more

The topic of stealing and publishing other people’s photos is a very sensitive one among photographers. Has it ever happened to you? We all respond differently to such situations, but one photographer took it pretty far. Paul Eustice flew all the way from UK to South Africa to confront the woman who stole his photos […]

The post Photographer flew from UK to... more

There are plenty of ways to take photos of snowflakes. Some are complicated, some are simple, and some are DIY to the max. Photographer Chrissy Kerkhof shared with us a very simple setting she used to take clear and crisp snowflake photos. It takes only one additional piece of gear to the lens and the […]

The post A simple setup for taking fantastic snowflake photos appeared... more

I had a few hours to kill before work this morning. So I decided to head down to a public garden a few miles from my house. In the summer this place is full of colour, with roses growing everywhere, up trellises, along the walls, above your head. It’s an old Fort on the seafront, […]

The post Do photographers see what other people don’t? appeared first on... more

Its tempting to think you need a new piece of photography equipment to become more creative. While sometimes its true, (macro photography, for example, is much easier with a macro lens) creativity works best within restraints.

So, how do you become more creative without buying more gear? Here are some ideas to take you out of your comfort zone and give you new skills to master.

1. Find a new... more

I am aiming this week at those of you first getting into photography and looking for a budget friendly way of improving your photos! You see, this week I’m giving some love back to the age old concept of “The best camera is the one you have with you”. By that token, the best reflector […]

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