Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Kodak seem to be making great efforts with regard to film lately. They still seem to struggle with the digital world, though. Ok, so Kodak is a shadow of its former self, comomnly just licensing its name to the highest bidder. But, you sometimes have to ask, what’s the point? For those who’ve never heard […]

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With all the editing options available in the Lightroom Develop module it can be tough to know where to start when you pull up a picture and start making changes. TheBasic panel covers elementary adjustments like exposure and white balance; Detail lets you adjust sharpness and noise reduction; Effects allows you to add a vignette, and so on. The Tone Curve panel seems downright strange at... more

Hey, guys! I’ve been working on 4K for the last year, and as such, I have to zoom in quite considerably more than resolutions such as 1080 and 1440 to get to the same level of “zoomed in” view. This extreme zoom-in adds a grid to the view. As a photographer and a retoucher, it […]

The post How to turn off that annoying grid in Photoshop when you zoom in. appeared... more

Earlier I shared some moody and dramatic images of architecture in black and white. Now it’s your turn!

Weekly Photography Challenge – Black and White Architecture

Even in harsh midday sun, you can often create stunning and dramatic images of architecture. Let’s take a look at a few black and white images of architecture. I’ll start you off with a few of my own... more

Filmmaking involves a whole lot of knowledge, and if you ask me – filmmakers also use some magic to achieve certain results. Sometimes they use special effects, but on a number of occasions clever filming and lighting are just enough. Ryan Connolly from Film Riot brings you five tricks every filmmaker should know. They are […]

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There’s been quite a lot of drone fails recently. And no, I’m not talking about GoPro Karmas falling out of the sky. I’m referring to operator error. Idiotswho don’t know what they’re doing, that can’t control their dronesputting other people at risk. But, Microsoft think they have a solution with a new drone simulator called […]

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If you are new to film photography, chances are that you will get into shooting black and white sooner or later because you have been inspired by the masterpieces of our great geniuses. But before you become the next Henri Cartier-Bresson or Sebastio Salgado there are a few things you should know. Seeing the world […]

The post 500 shades of gray: tips for shooting black and... more

There’s plenty of great applications and plugins out there that will help you reduce noise in your images. Some are standalone apps whileothers are plugins. But there’s a lot you can do straight from within Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) and Lightroom without all that. This video from Blake Rudis at F64 Academy talks us through […]

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Do you pay attention which side is your model facing in photos? And do you think this is important for the message? Accordingto a recent study, it is. Simone Schnall, Director of the Cambridge Embodied Cognition and Emotion Laboratory, says in her report that the subject should be facing right. If we want to portray […]

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Architecture provides a few things that photographers love; texture, shape, contours, dramatic lighting.

Let’s see how these 23 photographers found and photographed different buildings and kinds of architecture in black and white.

By Marco Crupi

By Paul Waldo

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