Photography Blogs & Tutorials

I finally found the perfect camera, This camera does everything you could ever need or dream of. From capturing the perfect frame and exposure to developing your skill and photographic eye. Im not talking about a video or multiple purpose camera that does it all. Im talking about the perfect stills camera. A camera that […]

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Water droplets can be a great photographic subject. Sometimes, it feels like you can see a whole new universe inside of them. Serbian photographer Dusan Stojancevic recently used droplet photography to create something unique – portraits of people. As a part of a collaboration with WaterAid, he marked World Water Day by capturing portraits of […]

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This is something that I know my Pentax, Sigma and Panasonic shooting friends will be pleased with.Nine months after releasing the Cactus V6 II and Cactus V6 IIs, there’s new brand-specific firmware updates coming. These let you get HSS and TTL across different brands of camera and flash. Yes, that’s right, you’ll soon be able […]

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Who doesn’t love buying new gear? Building up your collection of photography equipment is a terribly expensive habit. If you’re used to buying items new, the world of buying used from strangers on the internet can be a bit intimidating. If you’re savvy, patient, and know where to look, you can save hundreds by buying […]

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When Adobe announced their new line of clothes a little while ago, we all caught on that it was a joke pretty quickly. This time, though, with April 1st still over a week away, not so much. Canon UK have now launched a new range of Canon branded clothing and accessories. The release of the […]

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The aperture is one of the most difficult things for new photographers to wrap their head around. The number system seems confusing (smaller number, bigger hole), depth of field, how it affects exposure. It’s a lot to take in all at once. This five minute animated video from YouTuberApalapse goes over everything you ever needed […]

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Most photographers take pictures to make a living or to enjoy the moment. No matter what your reason is why you are into photography, it should not affect your ability to capture breathtaking photos. If you are doing photography without passion, your pictures may not have strong emotion to portray to your audience. Thus, your […]

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Effects lighting is an extremely fun area of lighting to explore. In this context, they’re about recreating the light that we see in our daily lives with studio lights. While aimed more at video, the techniques and setups can apply equally as well to stills photography, too. In this 4 Minute Film School video from […]

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You know what they say: one mans trash is another mans treasure. Christian Tudor from Academy of Photography has created a cool little gadget from what you would normally throw into trash. In this video tutorial, he shows you how to turn a simple biscuit box into an accessory for a creative lighting effect. You […]

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Another new feature is coming to Instagram, and it can be useful for photographers. People will soon be able to boom appointments with business. For all those who make a living from photography, this means your clients will be able to find you and book a session directly through your Instagram. At the moment, Instagram […]

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