Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Just when Pentax seemed like it might be starting to pick up, Nikkei Asian Review are reporting that Ricoh may be dropping the brand. There’s no doubt that smartphones are continuing to eat into camera sales, and Pentax has become a “money-losing” business. Nikkei say that Ricoh plan to “radically review” a production and manufacturing […]

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News Corp Australia is experiencing a severe wave of job cuts. One of Australia’s largest media companies is trying to make up for the financial losses, and photographers and subeditors are first under the impact. This media company owns over 100 newspapers. These include The Daily Telegraph, the Herald Sun and the Courier-Mail which […]

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DeepDream is a computer vision AI created by Google which utilises a convolution neural network. It looks for and enhances patterns in images using a process called algorithmic pareidolia. Essentlly, it’s seeing things that aren’t really there. Like the face we may see on the surface of Marsor bunny rabbits& dragons in clouds. We’ve seen […]

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You might already be familiar with the name Kirill Neiezhmakov, at least if you love incredible timelapse and hyperlapse videos. We featured Kirills work on DIYP before, and Im happy to present you with another fantastic hyperlapse hes created. This time, he took his gear to the capital city of Kazakhstan – Astana. He told […]

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After some rumors about announcing Nikon D7500, its now officially here. The latest Nikon camera from D7x00 series is available for preorders, and its the update of the Nikon D7200, released two years ago. Lets see what are the novelties and key features of the new member of Nikon family. D7500 combines features of D7200 […]

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Posing is probably the most difficult part of shooting portraits for most photographers. The technical side can be learned relatively easily. Your style just develops over time based on what you like. But posing, directing a subject, getting the expressions that you want. Is art in itself. And if you’re working with the general public […]

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You’ve probably seen images floating around because it’s popular these days, you know, the ones with the retro faded look. It’s pretty popular with the instagram and wedding photography crowd. It’s not my fancy but I am all about empowering photographers to shoot what they have in mind. If that happens to be retro-faded here’s how to achieve that look in Lightroom and Photoshop.

Why this look is so popular

Here’s why I believe... more

No matter how much you love photography, lets face it sometimes its hard to talk yourself into going out and shooting. You want to go out there and take photos, but at the same time, youre subconsciously looking for reasons not to do it. The excuses can be many you want to save […]

The post Whenever youre in doubt, heres why you should just go out and shoot appeared first on... more

It started as a simple joke. Creating a meme for a bit of a laugh. Brittany Botehlo is an 18 year old self-taught digital painter in Dallas, Texas. When recently cooking spaghetti, she decided to stick a small piece in the end of her Wacom tablet pen. And, why not? It’s an amusing idea. It […]

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NOTE:Get Jim’s e-book Fundamentals of Photography Made Easy now 30% OFF at Snapndeals, only until April 25th AUS time.

Birds have captivated wildlife photographers from the beginning of photography, and no group of birds is more intriguing than hummingbirds. It’s not difficult at all to photograph a hummingbird when you see one in a garden hovering above a... more
