Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Have you ever been frustrated because you dont seem to be able to photograph a scene the way it looks to you, with your vision? Maybe you cant get a sharp image even though the scene is perfectly clear, or perhaps the camera fails to capture the beautiful variety of light in a landscape.

Its possible that youre having technical trouble in getting the most from your camera, but it might also be because the human eye and the camera arent the same, despite their compelling similarities.... more

Depending on where you live, you might have already watched Alien: Covenant or youre only a few days away from the premiere. Either way, you can play a bit and create some toy photos with an Alien figurine. When youre a photographer, you can never be too old for toys, right? Mathieu Stern shares an […]

The post Make toy photo look like movie poster with this quick tutorial... more

Using a handheld light meter isn’t for everybody, and we occasionally forget to pack a grey card. But there are things that are close enough to middle grey that they can work just as well. Grass is a common subject to meter off in rural areas. But something else you can use is your hand. […]

The post Getting perfect exposure every time with the meter you always have with... more

How do you feel when you pass a decaying old house? Is it just an ugly ruin or you see something more? Photographer Rebecca Lilith Bathory sees beauty in these objects most people just seem to pass by or even avoid. Sure, they are sad, ruined, chaotic and even scary but Rebecca finds beauty […]

The post Orphans of Time: Photographer travels the world for... more

There are some non-photographic things photographers always have around. Its not only gaff tape, but Foamcore or foam board can be your best friend in many photo and video projects. Caleb Pike from DSLR Video Shooter shows you five ways you can use it for photography and video and improve your work on the cheap. […]

The post Here are some ways to use foam board and improve your... more

There are plenty of fantastic DIY softbox solutions, but this one is definitely something I havent seen before. To make it, youll need an old bicycle wheel. It doesnt only make a great softbox, but it looks really cool, too. So, if that old bicycle is just collecting dust in the garage, maybe its time […]

The post How to make a DIY softbox from an old bicycle wheel appeared first on... more

Ask most photographers and they will tell you that one of the hardest things to find with respect to photography gear is the perfect camera bag. One that will suit your every need. We search and search, but in the end, we all come to the realization there isnt one bag that will be great for every situation. Though, sometimes you can find one that comes close, for me it was the... more

There are certain things as a photographer you should know regardless of if you are an expert or a novice. These simple yet powerful lessons not only differentiate you but also help you grow in your art and your photographic career. For everynewbie photographer, these are essential lessons to learn and practice.

Note: For the purposes of this article, all the images used here are SOOC (Straight out of camera). This is done to demonstrate key concepts highlighted here. My camera of... more

If youd like to explore macro photography and youre not willing to invest thousands of dollars in professional macro lenses, photographer Adam Kappa has quite an affordable solution. He shares the setup he uses for macro photography which all of us can use with minimum investment. It involves a kit lens, a cheap external flash, […]

The post How to do macro... more

Smartphone cameras have become quite powerful. Because of this, it seems that more people get attracted to photography and want to explore all its possibilities. To help newbies get into phone photography, Apple has dedicated a section of their website to all aspiring iPhone photographers. They share some shooting tips and tricks in a cool […]

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