Photography Blogs & Tutorials

I’ve been photographing weddings for about nine years now, and I’ve found this to be the most effective and efficient way of designing and delivering aclient’s dream wedding album. The method that I am going to describe keepsyou in control of the process and still gives the client what they want and need. You might be surprised to know that it only takes me about 30 minutes to design an album from beginning to end.

In fact, just to test, I created an album right now... more (link is external)

Its been only ten days since Profoto released their B1X strobe, and now they are recalling the battery unit due to potential safety issue. This recall doesnt affect the strobe, but only the battery. However, it doesnt only concern the battery, but also affects any B1X kits you might have bought. Profoto has issued the […]

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DJI has recently released a teaser for their latest drone, and its finally revealed. Meet Spark, DJIs smallest drone so far. This compact aircraft practically fits into your palm, and it weighs only 0.66 lbs. Despite the price of their previous models, the latest part of DJI family costs half of, say, Mavic Pro. Spark […]

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There are several approaches to creating composites, and whichever you choose, it takes some time and effort to make it look good. Young photographer Kaiwan Abdulrahman will guide you through creating a realistic composite from two images using Lightroom and Photoshop. In this 12 minute tutorial, he makes it look easier than ever. Im sure […]

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Microsoft already looked to start giving Apple a run for its money with the recently announced Surface Studio. Now, Microsoft have announced the new Surface Pro. It is compatible with the Microsoft Dial, announced with the Surface Studio. It also launches with a new pen, offering much better drawing capabilities. With longer battery usage, better […]

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Long takes in movies (whether theyre real or fake) add a feeling of tension and get us involved. In this educative video essay from Fandor, youll learn some of the ways how the artificial long takes are created. For all you aspiring filmmakers, this could be a helpful source of ideas. And all of you […]

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My natural instinct as a landscape photographer has always been to keep people and manmade objects out of my images. I want to create images of nature that are pure and free (or at least appear to be free) of human interference. That said, over the past few years, I have started to backtrack on this a bit, especially when the camera fails to show the true scale of a landscape. In this article, I’ll share a small collection of images from my portfolio that include situations where... more (link is external)

For all those who want to bring together the instant printing of Polaroid and modern-age mobile photography, Prynt has launched an interesting gadget. Its called Prynt Pocket, and it allows you to print the photos directly from your iPhone. Its a small and simple phone case, but it stores 10 sheets of inkless sticker film. […]

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Last year, Colin Wirth at This Does Not Computeinherited some old camera gear from his grandparents. Along with the usual assortment of cameras, lenses and other items, was a brand new roll of Kodak Plus-X Pan film. A Black & White Panchromatic ISO125 film containing 20 exposures. The only issue was, it expired in March […]

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If youre looking for inspiration, knowledge, or want to trace the history of photography, here’s something for you.Europeana Collections impressive digital gallery features 2.2 million images, covering the first 100 years of photography. Among the featured names, there are Man Ray, Julia Margaret Cameron, Eadweard Muybridge and Nicola Perscheid, to name a few. The photographs […]

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