Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Sometimes, the best option is still to just build it yourself. A few months ago, we introduced you to filmmaker Robert McIntosh. He told us how he hacked up a GoPro to cut the fat and minimise its space & weight. Now, he’s had a little while to refine his design, and taken things even […]

The post This DIY HD drone is even smaller than the DJI Spark and... more

The direction of light is so important in photography. Backlighting is one that can be tricky to handle exposure wise, but make sure a stunning image if you can nail it. Let’s have a look at these 18 images that use backlight effectively.

By Bill Gracey

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Swedish Photographer and retoucher Erik Johansson goes all out for his creations. They take so much work that, according to his website, Johansson aims to create only six to eight new images per year. Some of you might remember his mirrored lakeproject from last year. A fantastic feat of both photography and digital illustration work. […]

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The topic of “pro gear” comes up quite often. What is it? Does it make a difference? Will clients and other photographers look at you differently if you’re not using it? The short answer is “probably not”. It really just depends on whether the gear you’re using delivers the results you need. In this video, […]

The post What is “pro gear” and do you... more

Photographer Dustin Dolby is known for his comprehensive tutorials all of us can try out at home. After a series of excellent wine photography tutorials, he has issued the latest one about photographing glassware with minimal gear, but professional results. You need to pour that wine into something, right? Like his previous setups, this […]

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What Im going to do is Im going to show you how to match the colors between backgrounds and objects once youve cut them out and combined the different photos or otherwise known as compositing. So what Ive done here is Ive grabbed some photographs from Adobe Stock. So I grabbed the photograph here of […]

The post How to match the colors between different photos in Photoshop appeared... more

I’ve been looking forward to this announcement for a while. Affinity did it last year, bringingtheir popular Photo and Designer apps to Windows. Now Macphun are following suit announcing that theirLuminar and Aurora HDR applications are coming to the Windows platform. Their products have been Apple-only since first launching in 2008, and I can’t wait […]

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Guys at offer tons of great resources for photographers and retouchers. They are devoted and serious and put a lot of effort in their packages, and for this article, they shared with us how they built a rusty wall background out of wood! Why would you make a DIY rusty wall you may […]

The post How to make DIY rusty wall background out of plywood appeared first on... more

It seems photography should be easy, buy a camera and take photos, right? Except it’s not just a camera you need, there are other accessories and things you need to know as a photography newbie. Which lens do you buy and why? What do you shoot? How do you set the camera up correctly? What is the best way to process RAW files?

Walk into a good camera shop and there are walls covered in bags, cabinets full of lenses, banks of accessories, and tripods arranged in an artistic... more

From time to time, we get to see really masterful digital art. The young Ukranian digital artist brings together photography and digital art, reality and dream, fairy tales and dark stories and creates beautiful art from them using Photoshop. Viktoria Solidarnyh takes photos and turns them into composites. Some of them are realistic, while […]

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