Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Not wanting to leave the astrophotography market to Nikon’s upcoming D810A, Canon is said to be working on its own dedicated full frame camera. When the D810A was announced Nikon said it will start shipping in late May, so any day now, but its Canon competitor is expected to be released only in 2016. Could [...]

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As some of your faithful followers may know, I like camera bags.  I also like to make them water-resistant. My family and I do a lot of outdoor activities, from hiking and exploring to paddling and camping, often encountering less-than-ideal weather conditions. For those of us who like to take our cameras into extreme weather, [...]

The post The Miggo AGUA – a storm-proof, quick-... more

DaVinci Resolve has been renown for its color grading capabilities for while, and they made me one happy freeloader when they started offering a pared-down version of their software at no cost. But, one major thing DaVinci lacked was the total control of a non-lineal editor. Now, with the upcoming release of DaVinci Resolve 12, [...]

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Lomography made a big splash when they released a 21st-century version of the famed Petzval lens last year. Now, 175 years after it was first invented by Joseph Petzval, Lomography is planning to launch a 58mm version of the lens with a built-in bokeh control ring. This ring, according to Lomography, will allow you to [...]

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Lightroom CC was announced just over a month ago, and Adobe is already offering a sneak peek of a yet-to-be-released feature that could become a landscape photographer’s best friend. Adobe Evangelist Terry White walks viewers through the new dehaze slider, showing just how incredibly effective it is, but also how other photographers can use it [...]

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Do you find studio lighting daunting? Understandable. When I got my first set of lights I played with it for half an hour. Intimidated and confused, I shoved it back in the box where it stayed for six months.

Don’t worry though, mastering exposure with studio strobes is easy; in fact it’s probably one of the easiest of the photographic skill sets. By following this tutorial, you can go from no experience with studio lighting, to getting a correct exposure on your first... more

Rumors have been talking about a GoPro drone for quite a while, and yesterday the company’s CEO Nick Woodman finally announced it is actually going to happen. “Do you guys all want GoPro to make a quadcopter?” Woodman asked the audience at the Code Conference, replying “OK, GoPro is making a quadcopter. It’s official!”. The [...]

The post GoPro Drone Finally Announced; Coming in 2016... more

Richard Prince has been in the headlines lately after being accused, once again, of stealing other peoples’ work and selling it as his own. Prince’s latest controversial “art” is basically a series of screenshots of various Instagram photos, along with the uploader’s name and some of the comments. In order for the work to be [...]

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The Interwebs are rife with mocking and ridicule, from armchair pundits spouting their views on politics to religious nut-jobs attempting to bludgeon the public into belief conformity. Heaven knows I’ve done my fair share of it (which typically coincides with a depleted supply of Midol). But, there’s one specific demographic that I frequently see getting [...]

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Nothing like saddling up and taking a rotting whale carcass out for a ride in the ocean. Especially when there’s a shiver of great white sharks engaged in a feeding frenzy on it. As crazy as that may sound, a researcher and photographer in South Africa can add these exact circumstances to his resume. Seriously. [...]

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