Photography Blogs & Tutorials

How far would you go to take the perfect shot? Would you climb the tallest buildings around the world to take photos? The 19-year-old German photographer Andrej Ciesielski does exactly this. Other thanbeing unsafe, this is also illegal, so he puts a lot to risk to take the breathtaking cityscapes. But is it worth it? […]

The post This urban explorer illegally... more

A little while ago, we showed you a video from photographer Sriram Murali. In it, we saw how different levels of light pollution affected your view of the Milky Way. He went to various areas where the sky ranked between 1 (the darkest skies you can get) and 9 (inner city sky). The problem was, […]

The post This is how light pollution affects your view of the night sky appeared first... more

If you are creative enough, you can make a camera from all kinds of things. And two UK artists, Michael (Mick) Farrell and Cliff Haynes created, were creative enough to make one from 32,000 drinking straws. Weve seen and made some DIY photo projects with straws, but Straw Camera is the most unordinary and the […]

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Ilford Photo have been popping out somenew videos lately. Amongst them is this cool little animation that shows, in simple terms, how a 35mm film SLR works. The 35mmSingle Lens Reflex camera was a revolutionary development for photography. It was the ultimate compromise of quality and portability. But most importantly, it allowed the photographer to […]

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Both photos and specs seemed to have been leaked for Canon’s upcoming M6 mirrorless camera. And there seems very little to distinguish it from the EOSM5, released only a few months ago. In fact, the only real differencesseemvisual. There’s a slightly different control layout on top, the popup flash has moved, and the electronic viewfinder […]

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Recently we introduced our new Night Photography course by dPS writer Jim Hamel.Learn more about this brand new coursehere, so you can take stunning night photos too!

Photography of the night sky and the stars can be challenging but rewarding. If you do it right you can end... more

Let’s face it, we’ve all been here before. We start off being in love with photography. We live and breath everything related to it, we take pictures of everything and anything, we obsess over the latest gear and gadgets until we almost alienate everyone around us. Whowants to get up at ungodly hours in the morning just to catch the most beautiful sunrise? But soon enough, the enthusiasm starts to slacken and you feel like you are taking the same photos over and over again. The... more

Its still winter here in the Northern Hemisphere. So, if you shoot portraits outdoors, your models may look a bit like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. This tutorial by Mathieu Stern will show you how to fix red skin in Photoshop in a very quick and easy way. When you open your image in Photoshop, […]

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Some of you might remember iPhonedo’s rather amusing comparison of the 2016 Karma vs the Mavic Pro a few months ago. At the time, he hailed it as the worst drone he’d ever flown. Now, the 2017 Karma re-issue is out, and he wanted to know if it had been improved. Aside from the fact […]

The post The 2017 Karma reviews are coming in – “The... more

The more features that get packed into each new generation of cameras, the less time batteries seem to last. Things like liveview, gps, WiFi, NFC, VR/IS, and a host of other doohickies just drain them faster than they used to. Even if your camera doesn’t feature superfluous battery draining features, other things can kill them […]

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