Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Everybody wants to have special photography of their wedding. Particularly the first kiss. Some people will spend a fortune finding and hiring just the right photographer. Somebody to create images they know they will love for decades. For Thailand based photographer,Keow Wee Loong, the right photographer was himself. You might remember Keow for similar shenanigans […]

The post... more

If youspend any amount of time online you’llbe well aware of the rapid expansion of access to video content that has happened over recent years. Being largely user driven, this content varies from professionally produced through to home videos of cats, puppies and everything in between.

With the increase in internet speeds and processing power of viewing devices, we have the ability to watch countless hours of video content where and when we like. This provides some interesting... more

In this quick review of the Sigma 135mm f1.8 Art Lens, I will go over some of its features and give you my overall impression of this lens.

Photographers like gear

I belong to several photography groups, both online as well as within my... more

Getting a monitor on a DSLR* can be tricky. Base plates, cages, and magic arms all come to mind. If you want something a little more compact, cold-shoe ball mount is the go-to option. Caleb Pikehas a sweet little solution that uses GoPro parts that make a mount that only tilts and does not rotate […]

The post Use GoPro parts to build the perfect monitor DSLR mount appeared... more

Sometimes it’s good to get out and flex the old photography muscles by shooting a little differently to how you normally would. It keeps the soul young and the stops the boredom from creeping in. This is exactly what I did a few weeks back when I had a client shoot come in, who wanted […]

The post and sometimes… It’s better not to use a flash appeared first on... more

I have been using a number of underwater camera housings over the years – from inexpensive bag housings to professional dive housings. The problem with most underwater camera housings is that they usually cost more than the camera you’re buying them for. With digital cameras being upgradedevery 3 to 5 years, this makes the purchase […]

The post Meikon... more

Are you running out of space on your hard drive? If youre both a prolific photographer and a Lightroom user the answer may be yes. A hard drive thats close to being full is bad news because it slows down Lightroom and just about every other application that you use on your computer. So how can you boost your Lightroom performance and make your computer run faster?

Luckily, there are ways to... more

Artists are funny creatures and many of us struggle with creativity. Working out what we want to do, how to stand apart from others. What is really needed is to find your muse, or in other words, finding inspiration.

It is a rare artist that doesnt need inspiration to work. For the rest of us, we need help and we need to find what will inspire us to create our work.

One of my very first responses to the environment, the idea of cities becoming unlivable... more

I must admit, Ive had a fair share of activities in my life that turned out to be just a phase. When I look back, all of them involved something creative, but I ditched each of them after a few years tops. But theres one thing thats been around for almost a decade now, and […]

The post After many creative hobbies, why has photography been the only... more

I uploaded a clutch of photos to Flickr on Sunday evening and as I hit the big pink button it occurred to me that using Flickr furnishes me with some seriously retro credentials. While Flickr used to be the place to hang out around 2008, its growth has stalled and the consensus is that Flickr […]

The post Flickr is on its way out, what are your alternatives? appeared first on... more
