Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Straight out of college, Andrew Harnik’s goal was as many of us with a passion for the camera. To make a living as a photographer. A goal he has reached. A Washington D.C. native, he’s worked as a newspaper and magazine photojournalist since 2003. Now working for the Associated Press, he is one of the […]

The post This is what it’s like to be a press photographer in the... more

If you limit your portrait photography to daylight, you’re missing out on a chance to get some really cool people photos. Whether you just want something better from your camera automatically, or you want complete control of the light in the scene, there’s something in this article for you. Read on to get some tips to help you create and shoot night portraits.

Get off Automatic Mode

If you’re using your camera in Automatic mode, you’ll find one of two things will... more

Now that the Festivals season is starting, I already have 3 confirmed festivals and 3 more to confirm, I thought it would be a good idea to write an article about how I prepare for the beginning of the season. This text is about my process, other photographers do it differently, and serves only to […]

The post How to prepare for music festival season appeared first on... more

The sun was on the horizon, a perfect orange ball. It was another beautiful sunset in Hoi An, Vietnam and we were out on a photo tour through a local village taking advantage of the dreamy light. While the group spread out to take photos of people harvesting rice in the paddies, I noticed […]

The post How to handle locals who ask you for money when you are doing travel photography... more

One of the beautiful things about modern digital photography is the astronomical degree of choice that is available to us. No matter whether you’re a professional photographer, a weekend warrior, or a casual enthusiast who just likes to take snapshots of your kids, your food, or your feet – there are dozens, even hundreds, of camera models and options to suit your needs. There are specialty cameras for recording extreme sports, underwater cameras for photographing the deep blue... more

Sometimes, a few household items and vivid imagination are all an artist needs to create a masterpiece. This timelapse video is a perfect example. Creative filmmakers Thomas Blanchard and Oilhack teamed up to create an abstract, trippy and colorful timelapse using nothing but some paint, oil, milk and liquid soap. They captured the motion and […]

The post This gorgeous timelapse... more

B-roll is a fact of life for anybody shooting or editing video. It’s essential. Whether an interview, talking head piece, or something a little more cinematic. It helps to break up the monotony of a single shot, it adds context, perhaps injects a metaphor or two. Many of us will film b-roll ourselves during the […]

The post “We got that B-Roll!... more

Although new lenses are announced regularly, we must admit theres a lot of magic in vintage lenses, and many photographers even prefer them. Filmmaker and photographerMathieu Stern is one of them. He has found another vintage lens that gives great results, yet has a low price. Its Konica Hexanon 40mm f/1.8. On eBay, you can […]

The post This vintage lens produces... more

Learning different portrait lighting techniques can seem complicated when youre just starting out. Because of this, photographer Ed Verosky shares some great advice to help you out. In his video, he gives you five of his top portrait lighting tips.They will help you master the techniques gradually, and become much better in setting up the […]

The post Five... more

What is a double exposure effect?

In days of yore, back when DSLR cameras were SLR, a roll of film was inserted in the back of your camera to give you 24 or 36 exposures. A double exposure was created in-camera by taking two different photos on the same frame of film.

The Double Exposure Effect created in Adobe Photoshop using Blend Modes, Layer Masks and of course two or more images.

When I did shoot with an SLR camera, I managed to achieve this effect... more
