Photography Blogs & Tutorials

In 24 hours our dPS 12 Days of Christmas celebration begins!

This is when you’ll score HUGE savings on our most popular products and MASSIVE discounts with some very special dPS partners so that you have the best resources to reach your photography goals for 2017.

It works just as youd expect. Over 12 days, well announce a brand new deal every 24 hours.

To get notified of each deal just add your email address below.

(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs =... more (link is external)

The wait is over, Affinity Photo for Windows is here. Now Windows users can enjoy the benefits Mac users have taken advantage of for over a year. Not only is it now multi-platform, but it comes with a v1.5 update for the Mac, too. This adds a whole host of new and updated features to […]

The post Affinity Photo 1.5 is out now for Windows and brings big new... (link is external)more (link is external)

I had a few minutes today to run through this cool idea to turn previous season shots into a snowy place of glory! It came to me after a friend asked to buy some background plates from me for a snowy shoot that I did recently. To save money I now have a suggestion that […]

The post No Snow? No Problem! This tip will let you create a snowy paradise anywhere! (link is external)... more (link is external)

As many of you know, I spent many years of my life as Director of Marketing at Lexar dealing with the ins and outs of the memory card business. And in all that time, I have never written a blog about the do’s and don’ts of memory cards. Now that I have left Lexar and […]

The post Why you should not delete images on your memory card using your camera (link is external) appeared first on... more (link is external)

Anyone who has read my posts (silence) haha, will know that I am a fan of planning and preparation. I have task sheets, folders, mood boards, sketches, and the list goes on. I always try to make sure that anything that needs planning is set in stone. Although this is usually the best way to […]

The post Be scared to create (link is external) appeared first on DIY... (link is external)more (link is external)

When I got into photography more than 20 years ago, I remember spending all my hard earned money on a brand new camera. It was a shiny beautiful brand new Pentax K1000 with a great 50mm f/1.8 lens. I was almost flat broke and all I could afford to buy after that was a roll of B&W Ilford HP5 film to try the camera out. Some time went by until I could afford to buy anything else photography related, but I remember that the next item on my list was a tripod.

I bought one of those... more (link is external)

The rise of Virtual Reality has brought about an unexpected innovation in the world of photography, the 360 photo. You may have come across a 360-degree photo or video on Facebook, which began accepting the new type of photo early this year. 360-degree photos allow the viewer to interact with the image and explore the entire environment around the camera that captured it.

Anyone can create 360 photos and share them on social media, but to do so youll need to invest in a purpose built... more (link is external)

These are 30 of the tools and features in Photoshop that I think are the most important! In this Photoshop CC tutorial, well cover everything from how to use the Pen Tool in Photoshop and how you can learn to use Curves to Masking, Retouching Skin, and even playing with the newer Select and Mask […]

The post Guide to 30 Photoshop CC tools & features you need to know (link is external)... more (link is external)

iPhone 7 Plus owners you know you were missing all the cool little iPhone lenses. Of course you were. Old Smartphone lenses must look like Greek mythcyclopes for you now. How can you fit a single clip on lens on a dual lens phone? This is changing as gear makers are now making dual-lens optics […]

The post Dual lenses accessories are coming to dual camera iPhones (link is external)... more (link is external)

We’ve noticed on our current reader survey (if you haven’t filled it out already, please do so here (link is external)) that many of you are using Photoshop Elements. So I rounded up some video tutorials to help you use Elements (15 or any older version) to help you make corrections and enhancements to your images.

#1 How to brighten and improve a dull photo

George Peirson from How To Gurus walks you through... more (link is external)
