Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Variable neutral density filters are typically more common for video than photography, but there’s that grey timelapse area in the middle where the two worlds tend to often collide. I usually go with regular NDs for long exposures and timelapse, but having recently picked up a variable ND for video, I have found myself using […]

The post The new Super Dark variable... more

There’s no doubt that Iceland is one of the dream locations for any photographer or filmmaker. We see a lot of timelapse films here at DIYP, and this year the bar just keeps getting raised higher and higher. So, it’s difficult for one to really stick out, even one shot in Iceland.It’s not often, though, […]

The post Whispering Iceland is... more

I have a really wonderful Cognisys Slider controlled by a Stackshot 3D. The Stackshot 3D is a very easy system to set up, program and run. It has one tiny little defect, one that is common in pretty much all sliders. They are bulky, take a while to set up, and typically need two tripods […]

The post How to convert a table top dolly into a computerized time lapse monster... more

It’s hard to imagine someone who doesn’t use at least one social network. If you have your own business, it’s even more difficult to imagine such scenario. In the modern era, most of us use social networks to promote our work. For photographers, this means uploading your photos on several social networks, and each has […]

The post 2017 Social Media Image Sizes Cheat... more

I was teaching a class recently and someone asked me how they could have made a particular set of landscape images better. Should they have used a different aperture, shutter speed, etc.?You couldnt have made those photos any betterbecause the light was terrible. I explained. You must learn to see and photograph light to take better photos.

Blossoms at dawn, Paris.

There are times when interesting photos can be made in bad light. But I will... more

The ideas of conservation, living “green”, fighting pollution and global warming have been at the front of everybody’s mind in recent years. Well, almost everybody. It’s gotten to the point, though, where many have become numb to the relentless commercials and posters telling us to recycle and do this and that for the planet’s benefit. […]

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Storage is definitely taken for granted these days. CompactFlash and SD cards are cheaper than they’ve ever been. They’re available in extremely large sizes, which seem to be growing on a monthly basis, that are easily accessible. New cameras with faster framerates, 4K UHD video, and ultra high megapixel images keep driving the technology bigger […]

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The legend of Atlantis has caused a lot of philosophic discussions and inspired many writers and artists for their works. While many people still argue whether it existed or not, Norway has its own Atlantis, and it is very much real. A Norwegian photographer and videographer Lars Korvald took a mask, fins and an underwater […]

The post Photographer captures... more

Reflector is most likely the second or the third thing most of us buy after the camera. If you are a portrait photographer, you probably use it a lot. But are you using it properly? In this video, Joe Edelman teaches you how to use the reflector properly and create flattering light for your subject […]

The post How to use a reflector to create flattering light for portraits... more

  When you are out shooting, you can sometimes end up with plenty of photos that vary significantly in exposure. Adobe Lightroom published a short video tutorial on their YouTube channelto help photographers match exposure on multiple photos. The tutorial lasts as short as 60 seconds, yet it gives you a useful tip that will […]

The post How to match exposures on multiple photos... more
