Photography Blogs & Tutorials

There are a LOT of articles out there regarding bird and wildlife photography that are very gear heavy buy this lens, get this camera body, you need this gimble, etc, etc. While I am the first one to admit that great equipment helps make great images, Ive found that gear is only a portion […]

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Marvel’s animated hit Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse took the world by storm in 2018, with its sequel, Spider-man: Across the Spider-verse, generating buzz these days. But did you know there was an animated Lego version of the sequel? And it was all done by Preston Mutanga, a 14-year-old teenager? Preston isn’t an ordinary teenager, and […]

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We all know that lightning exists on Earth (and it’s fascinating), but did you know it also exists on Jupiter? We haven’t seen it in NASA’s photos so far, but JunoCam has recently made an incredible observation near Jupiter’s north pole – a green bolt of lightning. On our home planet, lightning bolts usually come […]

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And the prize for the world’s favourite camera brand goes to….Apple! You thought it was going to be Canon or Sony, right? Well, according to a recent survey on Flickr, the majority of photos analysed were taken on iPhones, and more specifically, the iPhone 11. Not that surprising, given that 92% of all photographs taken […]

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When you watch red carpet videos and reels, there’s always a celebrity posing awkwardly and a bunch of speedlights flashing as photographers snap away. But a TikToker Tiff Baira recently took the awkwardness of red carpet posing to a whole new level when no one took a photo of her. She blamed it on the […]

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While uncommon, DIY medium-format digital cameras aren’t really a new thing. They’ve been around for years, with photographers hacking apart flatbed scanners for parts. Then they rebuild them inside something that vaguely looks like a camera, complete with a slide mechanism for the linear scanning sensor. That’s how this camera from Yunus Zenichowski works, too, […]

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The recently announced Nikon Z8 (buy here) has proven extremely popular, with a great number of people pre-ordering it around the world. Sales of the Nikon Z8 are even allowing Nikon to claw back some market share in some areas. Some early pre-orders are now starting to arrive, but is it really worth upgrading if […]

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Nobody likes to hear that we’re failing, especially in something as subjective as art. But most of us feel like we’re failing at photography at least some of the time. Even many of the most successful photographers out there still see themselves as a failure for some reason at some point. But spotting the causes […]

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No one is asking, "Will there be a Canon EOS R1?" anymore. This is almost a fact now. That said, there are many unknowns, and the rumor mill is turning on high speed

The post Everything we know about the Canon EOS R1 appeared first on DIY Photography.

The UK Prime Minister is reportedly considering a new law requiring all AI-generated photos and videos to be clearly labelled. The law would aim to regulate the rapidly advancing field of artificial intelligence (AI) and combat the growing threat of deepfakes. This development comes amidst rising concerns about AI technology’s potential misuse and manipulation. According […]

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