Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The post dPS Bi-Weekly Photo Challenge ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) appeared first on Digital Photography School. It was authored by Sime.

Richard wrote sup a great post on ICM a little while back, and... more

A recent survey has shown that over 15 billion AI images have been generated in just one year. That’s more than the number of photographs taken in the first 150 years of photographic history. Yes, you read that correctly. And it’s not that surprising when you think about it. Over the past year, AI-driven artistic […]

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Announced in June and originally scheduled for release in mid-July, not a single Nikkor Z 180-600mm f/5.6-6.3 VR lens (buy here) appears to have shipped yet. Except, of course, the review samples sent out to websites and YouTubers around the world. Now, though, Nikon has announced when the lens will finally be released. If you’ve […]

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If there's one piece of kit that any photographer should have, it's a reflector. They are inexpensive, simple to use, and highly effective. We're going to look at the different types of reflectors you can purchase and how to use them. You'll see why anyone with a camera, from an amateur to a professional photographer with years of experience, should never be without one.

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I’ve probably got enough stocked up already to last the rest of my life. So, having never bought film from Amazon this isn’t something I’d even considered before. It seems that Amazon might not be storing film properly. According to Stephen Swett from Coastal Film Lab, however, that is exactly what’s happening. He says that […]

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Our sun has been pretty active this year. Thanks to solar storms, it even pushed the Northern lights further toward the south. Astrophotographer Miguel Claro (previously) has gifted us with a visual delight, a mesmerizing solar timelapse showing the Sun’s surface “eruptive prominences and minor flares in motion.” Captured on July 9, 2023, in just […]

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Artificial intelligence is finding its place in journalism, art, digital photography, and many other fields. Still, it remains a gray zone, and it’s hard to catch up with it and set the laws to match the new reality we live in. But it looks like we’re getting there. The Associated Press has just announced AI […]

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New York City has officially banned the popular social media app TikTok from all city-owned devices, with the ban taking immediate effect. This comes in response to concerns about the app’s potential security risks to the city’s technical networks, as highlighted by an assessment carried out by the NYC Cyber Command. In a statement released […]

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In response to a surge in attacks by vigilantes targeting enforcement cameras, Transport for London (TfL) has unveiled a robust solution: the ‘armoured’ cameras. These incidents of vandalism and theft have sparked Scotland Yard’s involvement, launching investigations into numerous cases ahead of the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) expansion scheduled for August 29th in the […]

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The International Portrait Photographer of the Year has announced this year’s winners. And for 2023, the overall winner is Forough Yavari of Australia. Her portraits are truly something else, inspired and focused on women and their lives and experiences. Gentle and tough at the same time, her photos brought her the first prize in this […]

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