Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Isn’t technology wonderful? Wildlife cams let you watch exotic wildlife remotely from the comfort of your home. And now they even let you organise remote mountain rescue! That’s exactly what happened last week when viewers of a bear cam in Alaska’s Katmai National Park helped a lost hiker who wandered into the frame. The hiker […]

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Today, we are going to create two amazing scenes in a super small space, and almost zero budget, but we have a secret weapon, the Smoke Genie. The Smoke Genie is a portable smoke machine for small sets

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Camera carts are wonderful things when working in the studio or at certain locations. That is to say, locations with a lot of flat ground that small wheels work on. Proper studio carts, however, can be expensive. There are plenty of roller carts out there for other purposes, that are much less expensive and can […]

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Can you achieve beautiful background blur with a small sensor? Yes, you can. According to this video by the Koldunov Brothers, small sensors produce more background blur than larger ones. However, you may not fully appreciate this blur because too little of it fits into the frame. But of course, it’s more complicated than that. […]

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Motorised pan-tilt heads typically come in two flavours. They’re either fairly small and compact with a somewhat limited feature set, or they’re ridiculously huge, designed for broadcast cameras, costing tens of thousands of dollars. Nikon subsidiary, the UK-based MRMC, is looking to bridge that gap. The MRMC SR-1 is a small robotic head providing pan […]

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A German tourist has been fined for climbing up an iconic statue and taking a selfie. The incident happened in Florence’s Piazza della Signoria when the tourist decided to climb the famous Fountain of Neptune. CCTV Video footage shows the unnamed 22-year-old jumping a barrier and climbing up the base of the fountain onto the […]

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Popular review platform Yelp is searching for an official food photographer. The lucky winner will be paid to photograph food in top restaurants for two months. Honestly, it doesn’t sound like a bad deal at all. Honestly, it sounds like more of a gig than a competition. The chosen photographer will work for two months, […]

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Whip-pan transitions have been a staple in TV and movies for decades. They’re when the camera rapidly moves to the side, switching from one shot to another. We’ve covered how to shoot whip-pan transitions in-camera here on DIYP before. But what if the footage wasn’t shot that way? What can you do? Well, if you’re […]

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Pergear has updated its 14mm f/2.8 lens for full-frame mirrorless cameras with a new Mark II version. Like its predecessor, which is less than a year old, the new Pergear 14mm f/2.8 II is a manual focus, manual aperture lens. It’s available for Sony E, Leica L (Leica, Panasonic and Sigma), Nikon Z and Canon […]

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The fact that we’re seeing any new Polaroid cameras at all in 2023 is pleasantly surprising. What’s not so pleasant, but probably more surprising, is the price tag. At $599, the Polaroid I-2 (buy here) isn’t exactly cheap! We’re not done with the surprises yet, though. This Polaroid camera is something quite special. It’s the […]

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