Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Gettingqualitysound in your videocan be tricky. Even whenyou have a greatmicrophone and field recorder, you’re hindered by the environment. Outside we have traffic, birds and other noisesto deal with. Indoors, the walls echo, and our voices can sound hollow. Outdoors, you’re on your own, but indoors, Matt from DIY Perks has a great and inexpensive [...]

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As Earth passes through the trail left by comet Swift-Tuttle, the night sky will come alive this month. More commonly known as the Perseid meteor shower, it will peak on August 12th this year. That’s this Friday. Starting in mid-July and lasting for about 5 weeks, the Perseids havebecome a regular annual attraction for many [...]

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If you have a more advanced camera like a DSLR or mirrorless, or even a high-end pocket model, it’s a good bet that somewhere on the top of the camera body you will find a circular dial (the camera mode dial) with a whole lot of strange letters like: M, Tv (or S), Av (or A), P, and maybe even a U1 or U2 (or C1, C2) thrown in for good measure. There is also a friendly safe green option, that may say Auto, or depending on the type of camera you have, is just represented by a green... more

Photography teaches us some very valuable lessons. Some of those lessons are common to all of us. Like, remembering to check your camera batteryisn’t flat before you leave the house. Other lessons are somewhat more unique, and profound. British photographer Jimmy Nelsonhas spent the past 31 years travelling the world. He photographs tribal and indigenous [...]

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A week or so ago, Resource magazine published a pretty in-depth article into what’s going on with F-Stop Gear. More specifically, their long overdue KitSentry Kickstarter project. Now, F-Stop Gear hasannounced an end to the project. F-Stop Gear also stated that they will not be reimbursing backers. The KitSentry looked very promising. You have ID [...]

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Open your eyes: learn to appreciate the wonder that is all around you

The camera is definitely a tool that can be used to capture moments in time, and record memories for posterity. However, the potential is there for so much more than that. If you think of the assembly of plastic, metal, and electronic gadgetry you hold in your hands as a paintbrush, and the world around you as paint, then untold possibilities await.

Look at ordinary objects in a new way

One way to... more

Hey streettogs, if you want to learn some practical tips and techniques when shooting on the streets, check out the video, or read more to see all 15 tips. 1. Work the scene One of the common mistakes I see in street photography is that photographers only take 12 photos of the scene, and move [...]

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High speed sync (HSS) has taken off in a big way the last few years. A relatively new technology, high speed sync has largely beenlimited to speedlights. The lack of power has put many people off using it. Unless you have a bunch of them, you just can’t usually get the shots you want. HSS [...]

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Digital cameras are notoriously difficult to design and get right. Where do you start? Who is the customer? What features do you include on the camera? There are uncountable ways to approach a camera development and design programme. For example, you can create a spreadsheet listing current and near-future ‘must-have’ specifications and cross them out [...]

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Sony’s A6300 was pretty much an instant hit as soon as it was released. It’s small compact size makes it ideal for things like street for photography and family vacations. The flippy out screen has also made it an ideal video camera for vloggers. It does havea bit of a problem, though. It tens to [...]

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