Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Are you more the "learn by doing" type?

As in, "Don't tell me, show me?"

Then you may be interested in one of the 2017 Strobist location workshops that are already planned. Or perhaps you would like to know how to schedule an in-person workshop of your ownfor your photo exposition, camera club, or right in your damn living... more

Are you busy in 2017? If not (or even if so!) we invite you to join Strobist's upcoming Lighting 103 course live, when it arrives in January.

As with Lighting 101 and 102, L103 is completely free. There are some minimum gear requirements (sorry, I can't afford to give each of you gel packs.) But as... more

Imagine using your phone every day and not being able recharge it. Scary, right? Now imagine a filmmaker, who needs to use his cameras all the time, spending 14 days without power. An India-based filmmaker George Thengummoottil was in this exact situation while shooting in the Himalayas. But he didn’t go unprepared. He created a […]

The post This solar power... more

This year has been tough on GoPro. Shortly after they had to recall their Karma drones, GoPro is shrinking. They recently announced that they are about to cut 15% of their overall workforce in order to cut operational costs. The company’s been operating at a loss and they decided to take radical measures to get […]

The post GoPro releases the new Karma... more

Like father like son, so they say. Sons inherit a lot from their fathers indeed – but is it possible that they also inherit love and talent for photography? According to the example of Eriberto and Estevan Oriol, it is possible to pass the talent from father to son. An iconic photographer can influence his […]

The post Can love for photography be passed down through generations... more

The M1 mirrorless camera from YI Technology was one of the biggest surprises at this years Photokina A company known for Action cameras, dash cams and home monitoring devices was now getting into the real camera market. With the way things are right now, its a very brave move. We showed you a brief first […]

The post DIYP Reviews the Yi M1 mirrorless Micro Four Thirds... more

Just because it’s cold doesn’t mean you should stop doing any photography. Winter photography can be magical, here are some tips for shooting in the cold to help you.

The weather

Its easy to go out and shoot when the weather is nice and the weather Gods smile down with big fair sky grins. Summer, Spring, and especially Autumn are popular times for photography because theres no shortage of photo opportunities – comfortable photo opportunities at that.

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Nature and wildlife lovers from all corners of the globe can now vote in one of the most prestigious photo contest in the world – Wildlife Photographer of the Year. The Natural History Museum published a shortlist of 25 photos for 2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year. And it sure was a difficult task – […]

The post 2016 Wildlife... more

Are you looking to up your portrait, fashion, or product game but are running out of space in your home? Maybe you are on the cusp of having a steady stream of clients but small droughts here and there have you worried about signing a lease for more space. Or perhaps you are curious about what you could do with some professional equipment and a dedicated space?Renting photography studio space is often a perfect solution for any of these situations and more.

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MOZA sent me their recently released MOZA Cage for review, and while I’m slowly and inevitably getting into more filmmaking with my Sony a7R Mk2, I’m still a photographer first. I thought to myself, “How can I review this cage as a photographer.” After takingdelivery, however, I found it quite easy! There are a few unique things you can do with this cage that make it... more
