Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Photography wouldn’t be possible without light, and where there is light – there are shadows. Creative Belgian artist Vincent Bal chases shadows and turns them into something unique. With some everyday objects, a few doodles and a camera, Vincent gives life to shadows and turns them into super-fun photos like youve never seen before. Vincent […]

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As creative professionals, we all spend a lot of time and effort on social media to promote our brands and get our work out there. I personally contribute to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and 500px. However, after a recent spike of ghost account followers and image views on my 500px account, I have been trying to […]

The post The Value of Social Media Followers: Does It Matter If... more

Or – “A reminder of this social network origins” Its 2017 and Instagram is now 600 million users strong, thats a lot of new images/videos and stories each day. An effervescent but non-curated activity. Besides all the personal accounts and brands, there are a few magazines. Some of them revolve around the third art: photography. […]

The post 15... more

The Oscars 2017 is just around the corner, so Ive spent a couple of nights last week trying to make up for the nominated movies I havent seen. Generally, if I like the movie and the actors performance, I often wish to learn something more about them after the movie is over. This is how […]

The post They love camera, and camera loves them: these 10 great actors... more

Its the easiest thing in the world to take a photo. You aim and press, and youve captured a moment, which in time will turn into a treasured memory. But did you know that with just a little bit more effort and barely any time, you can turn those captures into something more? Something that offers the subject the respect it deserves. Something that is a pleasure to look at even before the shimmer of nostalgia is sprinkled onto it by time, and something youll be proud to share.

With... more

Its the easiest thing in the world to take a photo. You aim and press, and youve captured a moment, which in time will turn into a treasured memory. But did you know that with just a little bit more effort and barely any time, you can turn those captures into something more? Something that offers the subject the respect it deserves. Something that is a pleasure to look at even before the shimmer of nostalgia is sprinkled onto it by time, and something youll be proud to share.

With... more

#1 – Visualize Spots

Has this happened to you? You published online or printed a picture just to find out that you missed some dust or spots (be it from the camera sensor or on the photographed subject)?

Lightroom has a great tool which will help you visualize and find those spots. Make sure you are in the DEVELOP module. Open the Spot Removal... more

A few weeks before Christmas my best friends husband rang me: Daniela, I want to buy M a camera. What should I get her? I asked the standard questions: how much does he have to spend and what sort of photography does he think shell be doing. He tells me theres 500 in the kitty […]

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A gift for photographers comes from DxO Labs. In cooperation with Digital Camera UK, they are giving away afree license for DxO OpticsPro 9, for a limited time. All you need to do is submit your email address and do it by the 28th of February – and its all yours. DxO Labs did the […]

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To get you started, have a look at the image collect this week which includes 22 photos taken at night.

Also check out our Night Photography Course (currently 50% off and with an early bird eBook bonus).

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