Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Not that using timelapse photography techniques to capture the abundant natural beauty found here on earth isn’t awesome, but this use of the technique is pretty incredible in it’s own right.When two filmmakers, Alex Gorosh and Wylie Overstreet, decided to make a to scale version of our solar system–something that had never been accuratelypictured prior [...]

The post... more

Hands can be just as expressive as the face sometimes, as these images show.

Weekly Photography Challenge –Hands


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In the quick video clip below, professor Lorna Roth (of Concordia University in Montreal), covers the who, what, why, where, and when film and camera technology began making strides in an effort to more accurately capture and portray the wide variety of skin tones that make up the human race. In the early days of [...]

The post History Of How... more

It is said that the eyes are the windows to the soul, but hands can be very expressive as well.

Let’s take a look at this set of images of different hands and see what they say, what story do they each tell?

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What do you get when you have two fun loving and creative wedding photographers that just so happen to be expecting a baby together? Here’s what: a really, really clever pregnancy announcement. Take, for example, the husband-wife photography team Judy & Gavin Holt , who have just announced to the world they’re expecting a baby [...]

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When the Canon EOS 70D was announced in July 2013 it was the first Canon crop camera in a while that didnt come with an 18mp sensor. Not that the extra two megapixels made a huge difference, but it was a good indicator of the companys direction. Back in the day the 20.2mp sensor was [...]

The post Canon 80D rumored to include a 28-34 megapixel sensor appeared first on... more

It took Anton Kusters about 10 months of negotiations with the notorious Japanese crime syndicates, the Yakuza to be granted access into their world. Kusters, a Belgian photographer, wanted to photograph the gang as part of a documentary photography project he had been hoping to start. Kusters delivered the proposal for his project during a [...]

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If there is one common thing that gets photographers fired up and excited, its the prospect of travel. Just like most other artists, you need your creative fire stoked and its hard to beat a walkabout to some exotic foreign land (or even a Cow Safari).

The new surroundings, different cultures, or new experiences are the perfect excuse to charge your batteries,... more

This week on PSUTV, Corey has a tip on using style blur. Pete shows an design trick on pinching pennies.

This Week's Sponsors:

Wacom | mpix | B&H Photo | Kelby Training | NAPP... more

Turning Day into Night using Color Lookup and easy-to-do moon in Photoshop.

As the theme for this month is on landscape photography, I thought I would share three fun ways to add features to your landscape images that already come embedded in Photoshop as presets. Lets take a look at the first one.

#1 The Rainbow

Open an image that you want to add the rainbow to.... more
