Photography Blogs & Tutorials

Kotama Bouabane, a photographer and artist in residence at the Banff Center in Alberta, Canada, had the idea to make a camera out of a coconut shell to see what kind of photos he couldget. To do so, Bouabane poked a hole through one of the coconut’s “eyes”, cut it in half, then drained and [...]

The post How To Confuse... more

Need a laugh break? Take a look at the latest installment form DigitalRev. This time, the team is poking a little fun at film photographers by spouting off some of the (ahem) more self-righteous things that tend to come out offilm enthusiast’smouths. Of course, it’s all in good humor, but the look Kai gets while [...]

The post “Shoot Film Not... more

Fall is my favorite. At least it used to be before it was Pumpkin Spice Everything. Im so tired of Pumpkin Spice Everything, but I’ll never tire of chilly weather, or scarves, or leaf piles. Or even shorter days, mainly because long summer days are just too much pressure for me.

I like everything about fall including, maybe especially, that its ripe for portraits. Here are seven ways to help you take advantage of all of autumns goodness in your portrait... more

Modeling is not easy. I am not being a cynic here. Done right it can be a very demanding job and has much more to do than just ‘looking pretty’. There is posing involved, understanding lighting, makeup, and hard physical work. This has always been the case. But looking at the job from the pink [...]

The post This Cheesy Compilation Shows How Hard It Was... more

While GoPro supplies great footage it is often unusable without some sort of stabilization. Sometimes stabilization is made in post, with some cost in image quality, but we are seeing more and more options for stabilizing footage while shooting. This is whatAeon wants to do for your GoPro – “CreateSmooth, Cinematic Videos“. The Aeon has [...]

The post ... more

The most recent update to the rumored specs for Nikons upcoming flagship DSLR, expected to be named the D5, confirms most previously mentioned specs, includes more info regarding the 4K video capabilities, mentions full HD slow motion and a possible decrease in the expected number of autofocus points. Despite the possible decrease from previously rumored [...]

The post Updated: rumored specs... more

I stated pretty innocently with my first camera, and then slowly but surely I became a camera and lens addict, throwing money out of the window. The result after all of these years is wasted money and all the stuff I got never made me happier besides the initial high. When others make mistakes one [...]

The post Confessions of an ex... more

If you’re like me, your social media and news feeds were chock full of some great (and some not so great) shots of last night’s supermoon/total solar eclipse. Sadly for me, we had some pretty terrible weather and clouds that made my eclipse gazing plans non-existent–and I really had my heart set on trying to [...]

The post Here... more

“Travel is the best teacher.”

Have you ever heard this saying? As a photographer, travel teaches you more than you could ever imagine. Itrequires a lot of preparation and attention to details. Yet, it also requires you to be open, ready for the unexpected, and willing to take risks sometimes to get the best shots!

Whether you are traveling into your backyard or across the globe, knowing what to put in your camera bagcan be daunting. There are so many great gadgets out there... more

Last year we shared some photos that compared the camera quality of every iPhone ever made. The comparison shots were taken by Camera+ co-founder, Lisa Bettany, and being the mobile photography enthusiast she is, Bettany has updated her collection of iPhone comparison shots to include the newly announced iPhone 6s. As you’ve probably heard, the [...]

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