Photography Blogs & Tutorials

PhotojournalistMaya Vidon-White is facing criminal charges over her photo of a man who was killed during the November terror attacks in Paris after the man’s family filed charges against the Paris based photographer. Stating that the publication of the image caused the family emotional damage, press freedom advocates argue that Vidon-White has been wrongfully targeted [...]

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On April 3, The New York Times Magazine photography critic Teju Cole penned a piece largely dismissing the work of renownphotographer Steve McCurry. The piece caused a minor ruckus in photography circles with people (like myself) writing in his defense, while others castigated his imperialist eye and amplified whispers of staged scenes. Just when the [...]

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When you’re photographing architecture, it’s easy to get lost in the grandeur of some buildings. That’s not a bad thing. That’s how they were designed, to be a spectacle. Cathedrals, palaces, opera houses, and state buildings are allexamples of architecture that’s meant to impress.

That’s the bigger picture. In terms of photography, however, it can... more

Ultra wide angle lenses are great, and if you’re a landscape shooter then you probably own at least one or two of them, but many have a bit of a problem in the form of built in lens hoods that prevent you from attaching filters. While you may not want to usea polarising filter on [...]

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No matter how much amazing imagery NASA throw at us, they always seem to wow us with new and amazing photographs on a regular basis. Shot on a wide lens mounted on the International Space Station, this image lets us look deep into the milky way while making a pass over the Republic of Kirbati, [...]

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Time lapses that transition from day to night (or vice versa) are considered the Holy Grailof time lapses. Aside from the actual tactics of taking a time lapse you add in the added complexity of changing light. I’ll admit that it can be quite intimidating to even try. This video fromMark Thorpe make it look [...]

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Just when you thought it was safe to go out without seeing selfie sticks all over the place, something like this comes along. Ok, well, not really. The “Selfie Stick unREAL” isn’t actually a real product. Thought up by marketing firm Thinkmodo to help promote the new season of Lifetime’s UnREAL, a show whichparodies supposedly [...]

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A while back we shared an amazing photograph of a dancer on a lake from Eric Pare and a Robert Cornelius. This photo is a similar (yet totally different) take on the same idea. Photoshop artist Roderique Arisiaman used a pre-made set of light painting streaks to create this photo and was kind enough to [...]

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If you photograph people or even furry animals, then at some point you’re probably going to have to make some kind of hair selection that lets you cut your subject out from its background. While cutting out hard edged shapes like body parts covered in skin or clothes are often fairly straightforward, hair can still [...]

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Google, the company that wants to catalogue and index the entire planet has expanded its viewinto the world of fine art paintings from the lights of Monet and Van Gogh with their new Gigapixel Art Camera. More akin to a large format scanning back than the sensor inside your DSLR, this camera certainly isn’t intended [...]

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