Photography Blogs & Tutorials

The transformation tool in Photoshop is quite mighty. You can rotate, flip, stretch, squeeze and distort your selection. Here is a less knownsecret: With this little trick you can repeat the last transformation as a copy – so you can build all kinds of complex ornaments, wings and patterns within seconds. Here is how to [...]

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When you get a third party lens, there is a concern that it will not always be compatible with your camera. I mean Canon, Nikon and the likes have no obligation to make their bodies work with third party lenses. Now Sigma has actually found an incompatibility with some Canon bodies, and issued an incompatibility [...]

The post If lens == Sigma and body == Canon then error appeared first on... more

Jibs and sliders have been here for a while and we have seen how the the industry is adjusting from big need-3-crew tools to pocket and travel tools, and I think that the next step in this evolution will be movement tools like theC-Pan arm, tools which are double duty. We had a chat withBo [...]

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The world is filled with photographs. I did a bit of research and found the following statistic. Researchers estimate that the average individual is now exposed to approximately 250 different images per day. Its no secret that we are now inundated with visual stimulus. Everyone owns a camera and everyone is shooting images. In 1857 Francis Frith took photographs of the pyramids and the Sphinx. The general public was mesmerized by images of a faraway and exotic location. Today, if I search... more

One of the best image editing programs available right now happens to be free. The Nik Collection by Googleis a desktop photo editing software that was recently declared free of charge earlier this year. Today, the Nik Collection makes available over 55 filters that do everything from old camera and film simulation, to image sharpening, noise reduction, and basic retouching and correcting of photos. Of these many filters, there are 5 within... more

Back in early 2016 we interviewed IRIX about their new line of wide angle primes.  Now we are back with some exclusive news and first sample photos. The good news: IRIX are moving from just Ultrawides to primes. Their first lens which was just announced is the IRIX 45mm f/1.4. You can see that lens [...]

The post Exclusive: IRIX bringing out a 45mm f/1.4 lens... more

Let’s look at the definition of silhouette:

If you want to see some good examples have a look here:

Weekly Photography – Silhouette

By Haricharan

To complete your challenge this week to shoot a silhouette these articles may have some helpful tips for you:

Doing a good silhouette requires a few things. A subject with a good shape, proper exposure, and position of the subject to best showcase its shape and define its outline.

Lighting is key, and contrast is essential to get a nice clean silhouette. Look at how these photographers pulled off some great silhouette images. Take note of the kinds of subjects make good silhouettes.

By Club... more

Yi is a definitely a weird company in the camera makers word. While Sony, fuji and the likes are marketing their cameras as part of of a complete life style story, YI is more focused on technical specs and price. This is how they marketed the YI 4K, and this is their approach with the [...]

The post First impressions from the M1 – Mirrorless camera by Xiaomi YI appeared... more

If you own a Flickr account you should probably change your password the minute you read this post. Yahoo says that the data breach occurred in late 2014 and “The account information may have included names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, hashed passwords (the vast majority with bcrypt) and, in some cases, encrypted [...]

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