Photography Blogs & Tutorials

When I read through photography forums or talk to otherphotographersthe topic of image editors often comes up. People give various opinions and thoughts about which one they prefer. Photoshop, Lightroom, Apple Photos, Capture One, GIMP, and a host of other options from companies like ON1 and MacPhun are all capable of doing various types of small and large edits to your images.

However, one advantage Lightroom has over some other programs is that it not only lets you edityour pictures... more

Panoramio has been one of my go-to location scouting toolsfor quite a while now. It’s an invaluable resource which combines Google Maps with user contributed imagery. Each of these images are GPS tagged, showing the exact spot at which they were made. Its design makes it fantastic for finding hidden gem locations nearby, or for [...]

The post Google is closing down the Panoramio service... more

I think for most people, no matter how many comparisons or examples come out, the whole “actual camera vs smartphone camera” debatewill never end. Every other new phone seems to be hailed as a “DSLR Killer” by social media. It’s only lately we’ve seen these sorts of claims from manufacturers themselves, though. It was a [...]

The post DSLR compared with the iPhone 7... more

Elliott Montello is anAnglo Argentine living in Vancouver BC. Living life a s a Director, Cinematographer and self proclaimed pinball wizard, Elliot has been involved with numerous music videos and movies. A life long fan of the Mad Max films, he wanted to create his own apocalyptic world but with more of a 21st century [...]

The post Guy creates cinematic Mad Max images appeared first on... more

With both GoPro and DJI announcing their new small flagships (can you say small flagship?), Yuneec’s new drone announcements kinda went under the radar. Rather than making a full fledged, full capacity drone, Yuneec madea small “selfie” drone– The Breeze 4k– that is limited in features, but has a low price tag. Yuneec is known [...]

The post ... more

At the end of the month, GPP PopUp is coming to Berlin. If you are in Northern Europe, this city is within reach for you. And for a variety of reasons, it's almost certainly the last time Pop_UP will be held in Europe.

Here's why you shouldn't miss it.

A Compact, Info-Filled Weekend

This will be my third time teaching at Pop_UP. Over the course of one weekendtwo daysthe instructors there work hard... more

It can be a daunting task when you first start looking for ways to make money in the photography world or find photography jobs. On one hand, there seems to be, and are, many different avenues you can take to achieve an income, but on the other hand, each of these avenues can be difficult to break into.

I created this list to help focus you on your path to finding the right way to achieve income through your work. Take your skill level, your location, your situation, your short-term... more

When the whole wire wool thing was pretty cool and new a decade or moreago, many photographers stocked up. Then the idiotsdiscovered it. These days, it’s become a bit of a boring and clich subject. Some of us, though, still have mountains of the stuff sitting in our garage that we could never possibly use. [...]

The post Burning wire wool through a macro lens becomes a... more

Mounting a camera overhead can be a difficult task if it’s not something you need to do regularly. Many of those that do need it regularly have permanent camera installations so they’re always ready at a moment’s notice. For those who prefer to take the DIY approach, we’ve covered quite a few options before. Sometimes, [...]

The post Three ways to mount a camera... more

Whether it’s because of a love of seeing what other people do with their homes, or because we’ve got a friend in real estate, loads of us are turning to real estate photography. Of course anyone can run around and shoot a house in a few minutes. It may be useable, but better images command a better price for a house, either for sale or rental. So what can you do to make your interior photography stand out from the others?

Well, quite a lot actually. Some of it just boils... more
