Photography Blogs & Tutorials

I was scrolling through my Facebook feeds and came across an article featuring a wedding photographer’s rant on disruptive guests who get in the way of wedding photographers who are just doing their job. Good to note that the photographer who was featured in the article did his best to get good shots by getting [...]

The post 10 Ways to be a Better Wedding... more

Many years ago as a newly qualified civil engineer I went to my first proper site knowing everything!! My new boss was much cleverer. I spent 6 months as a chainman helping a proper engineer, I walked miles carrying a huge wooden tripod and a bloody great wooden box containing a theodolite; I really hated [...]

The post How To Build A Super Sturdy Tripod for 30 Pounds appeared... more

We sure dolove our photography gadgets, so I thought it would be fun to see what things our dPS writers like to have in their bags. Things that are super handy to have – above and beyond the obvious camera and a lens.

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Photoshop is a massive tool that can be used to do just about anything on your images. But, knowing how and when to use which tool can be daunting.

In these two videos you can see how to use color grading with adjustments layers to make special effects and add or control color and tone in your images.

This one from Clay Cook shows you how to “Color Grade like a Pro” as he walks you through two portraits as he processes them in Photoshop:

In this second... more

Water, water everywhere. Take a look at some images other photographers have done that involve water as the main subject.

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Water . . .

It’s essential to life for all creatures on this planet. We drink it, we play in it, cook with it, and of course – we photograph it!

There are many forms of water and many way to photograph it. Let’s look at how these photographers chose to do it:

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Lytro just announced the first everLight field virtual reality camera.This is an interesting shift in direction for a company that on one really got what they were doing. While their previous cameras were somewhat gimiky, this new camera may actually have real application in the emerging VR production world. Immerge, a spherical camera captures light [...]

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The other night before I went to sleep, I was reading a book on my iPad and then wanted to post an inspirational quote onto Facebook. So I logged into Facebook, shared the quote and suddenly got sucked into the news feed. I started scrolling through the activity of all my friends and started to [...]

The post On Jealousy and Street Photography appeared first on... more

The Bride in her wedding dress, shy and tense, beautiful and alluring. She provides quite a conundrum for a wedding photographer. How does one work towards capturing the emotions that often rush over the bride as she prepares for holy matrimony?

Over the years that Ive shot weddings in India, Ive come to appreciate the Bridal getting ready session. This is the calm before the storm when the bride will look her best, and it is the least interrupted time the photographer has with... more

Chinese Drone manufacturer DJI and the Swedish medium format and aerial camera company announced earlier today that they have formed a corporate partnership after DJI acquired a strategic minority stake in Hasselblad. As DPReview points out, the reason for this move is to help DJI dominate the aerial photography market in the movie-making and surveying [...]

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