Photography Blogs & Tutorials

A Florida Police Department is under fire after a recent memo expressed that undercover cops are advised to arrest citizens who record them in public a right protected by the first amendment. The memo, which was brought to light by the Photography Is Not a Crime (PINAC) Newsroom after submitting a public records request, [...]

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For most photographers, medium format is overkillthe equivalent of driving a tank to pick up a gallon of milk. But, theres no denying that medium format systems have their place in the market, particularly for photographers who need the absolute best image quality with zero compromises. To explain the differences between medium format and smaller [...]

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Do you need military training to become a better photographer? Probably not, but this rifle marksmanship video from days long past is a wonderful way to improve how you position yourself and hold your camera, especially in awkward spaces and tough situations. Posted to Reddit by SquigglesMcDeef, the twelve minute video looks to be footage [...]

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Rumors were spreading fast yesterday that Nikon acquired Samsungs mirrorless technology, but an official statement from the Korean giant denies the NX tech will be changing hands. Skeptics will say its a standard denial that isnt necessary true, but a close look at the exact wording of the statements so far indicates Nikon and Samsung [...]

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In a move that will no doubt make a lot of peoples holiday shopping a lot easier, YI has just announced its action camera is now available in a limited release version exclusively for the United States. The YI action cam will be sold via Amazon Exclusives, so dont expect to find it anywhere else [...]

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Just because its winter doesnt mean we can only shoot indoors. It may be cold (and rainy if youre in London) most days, but when the winter sun shows its face, it fills the earth with a beautiful warm glow, especially late in the day. This bring us to what is known as the golden hour typically about an hour before sunset. The further you are from the equator, the more time you would need, in my case... more

Flickr has just released their new year in review statistics. Some statsare surprising, some are obvious. What is pretty obvious is that Flickr uploads is dominated by smartphones (42% of photos). Actually, it is dominated by iPhones. 4 of the 5 most popular Cameras on Flickr are iPhones, with one being a SamsungGalaxy. Second in [...]

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When I was getting started with photography, I knew that I had to learn how to light a subject indoors, but I couldn’t afford studio strobes – or even a hot shoe flash. I ended up learning how to use artificial light by re-purposing a set of three 500 watt halogen work lights. They turned [...]

The post How To Take A Classic Three Light Studio... more

I have two daughters (11 and 4) and oneson (7). They wanna be: an actress, arobot maker and a dancer-chef-teacher-driver. I’ll let you do the match up. Actually many of us had “dream jobs” when we were growing up and for some, we never got to experience those dreams because life took us on different [...]

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Are you a Nikon shooter? Do you have $10,000 laying around? Do you like to shoot REALLY wide? If you answered yes to all three of the above questions, I have good news for you. You can pick upyour very ownNikkor 10mm f/5.6 Fisheye Lens on Ebay. The lens is in mint condition, numbered 180470 [...]

The post You Can Now Own a Super-Rare Nikkor... more
