Photography Blogs & Tutorials

At only 1000$, there is no other product on the market that gives you fully motorized 3-axis stabilization with shock absorbers for (rated) 1.6kg. Stabilization: Although they market it as “5-axis image stabilization”, the spring loaded handles serve more as dampeners and shock absorbers than true 5-axis stabilization. That being said, they do work rather [...]

The post... more

President Obamas official photographer, Pete Souza, released his Year on Instagram collection featuring only square format photos taken on his iPhone. As youd expect, the collection does not include formal photos with world leaders and such, instead it offers a behind-the-scenes look of daily events at the White House as well as on the presidents [...]

The post White House... more

Photographer Nicky Bay headed to the Amazons tropical rainforests, but he wasnt after the jaguars, anacondas, sloths or piranhas the region is so famous for. Instead, being a macro photography, Nicky set out to document the creatures so small they are often overlooked or disregarded. If you like creepy-crawlies you will love these photos. If [...]

The post The Hidden Wonders of the Amazon... more

It’s Christmas day in part of the world, where most of the dPS team is based. So Merry Christmas if you celebrate that – and Happy Holidays if you celebrate with another tradition.

Thank you for being a reader and fan of dPS, we appreciate you being here, and we wish you all the best, and the happiest times with your family this season.


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The year comes to an end and just before the busy days of watching StarWars and celebrating the holidays I’m rushing to finish some images and close this year off. One of the images that needed to be done was my contribution to the Dark Realm Collective – Black Christmas Art Pack. I’ve been part [...]

The post Tutorial: How To Create A Textured Face White Walker... more

It’s the final day of our 12 deals of Christmas and we’ve saved one of our best deals until last.

Last year Sebastian Michaels smashed every dPS record with his Fine Art Grunge Composition course. This year hes back, with this brand new Black & White Photo Artistry course!

… and you can save 60% on the regular... more

I’m feeling very Christmasy today – shopping is done, gifts are wrapped, projects are mostly complete for the year and I’m looking forward to a little time off before re-booting in the New Year. I thought that it would be fun to kill two birds with one stone – I have a nice Christmas present [...]

The post Free Photography Classes for... more

Devin Kelly recently decided to reveal his secret identity to his family and friends and told them that hes one of the greatest villains ever to have lived – Darth Vader. Ok, so he might have made that part up, but for the past year or so hes been schlepping around a Darth Vader mask, [...]

The post ‘A Vader A Day’ Depicts Devin Kellys Life As Darth Vader... more

With as many wireless photography products as there are on the market youd think you wouldnt have to deal with cables. But that doesnt seem to be the case. In fact, it almost seems as though more cords have accumulated since every wireless gadget needs to be charged. Earlier today though, I stumbled across a [...]

The post This little contraption will help you wrangle... more

You can use shadow and contrast to create dramatic images. The key is to forget about shadow detail. You dont need it. Shadows are meant to be dark and mysterious. This is good it leaves something to the viewers imagination.

Utilize the dynamic range of your sensor. Expose for the highlights, and let the shadows fall where they will. If the light is strong... more
