Photography Blogs & Tutorials

If you are reading this site for any amount of time, you you know that we are big fans of adding movement to time lapses. I mean static timelapses are so 2014 If you want movement but still cant setup a big rig, the Genie mini is the perfect solution for you, and we [...]

The post We are giving away a super cool timelapse device, the Syrp Genie Mini appeared first on... more

An article to end all articles. t’s really not, but I feel like the potential for a flame-war and s–t storm is so great that I have to put on a raincoat just to start laying out the words haha! That’s right my friends, today I’m going to be talking about the Sony A7ii and [...]

The post I left Canon for Sony and I expect I am not the last to do so… appeared first on... more

Taking photos is easy, but being a photographer is an entirely different proposition. Whether photography is a hobby or a full time profession, there comes a time in every photographers journey where you encounter a few pitfalls that no one tells you about when you are starting out. Here are five photography pitfalls to look out for, and overcome on your journey.

Photography Pitfall #1 – Becoming a Machine

Becoming a professional photographer is surely one of the highlights... more

It sounded like another gimmick but Ill give you the short of it: The MindShift Gear BackLight 26L works as a backpack that can rotate around your body, and give access to all your gear without getting muddy on the... more

Having first photographed President Obama in 2005, White House photographer Pete Souza estimates that by the time Obama’s second term is up, he will have made over two million photographs of the President. It’s difficult to imagine following and photographing the same person for eleven years. In this video, from BBC’s Newsnight, Souza talks about [...]

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Here’s a cool trick that my friendAmr Tahtawishowed me a while ago and that I keep using for my light-painting pictures. As usual, I do a series of quick light-painting pictures with Kim Henry at blue hour (to get the nice background).Most of them are lit in one second. These are created using tubeguards. Make [...]

The post Blending star trails with light-painting portraits... more

What makes a portrait into a portrait ?

Making a portrait is like baking a cake in a way, you need to mix the right ingredients, evenly set it in a tray and add some personal touches. Once the cake is in the oven there is no way back, a bit likepressing the shutter release, then the portrait is done.

Any portrait, will always include a person, a background, and a key light that will allow the subject’s face and soul to come through in the picture. The subject, background... more

Jupiter wasa class of lens made by manufacturers of the former Soviet Union. There were quite a fewdifferentlenses in the Jupiter lineup, and in this set of videos from Mathieu Stern, we’re going to learn about four of them. A lot of people tend to ignore older lenses, but I picked up a Jupiter-9 85mm [...]

The post These cheap Soviet lenses are as out of this world as their... more

7 years ago, I received a little replica of an iconic Volkswagen minivan from my parents and it was love at first sight for the young 60’s obsessed teenager I was. It stood on my shelf for quite some years, but on a sunny Sunday of May, I took it out to the garden and [...]

The post Exploring this big wild world with my little cars appeared first on... more

Often times we occupy our processing time with thoughts of what can be added to our images in order to make them more impactful; more sharpness, contrast, or color. But, this may not always the best route to take. The old expression “Less is more” can be applied to many aspects of photography, and it is especially true when it comes to dealing with colors.

Desaturated images are becoming more and more popular, especially with nature, landscape, and street... more
