Photography Blogs & Tutorials

A little while ago I spotted a Nintendo Game Boy Camera in a second hand shop and my eyebrows went up. It looked pretty jazzy, like someone had melted an old webcam onto a game. Some of you probably own and have used these things before, but I had never come across one. I bought [...]

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In my opinion, one of the best developments to happen in photography recently is the stepped-up offerings of third party lens manufacturers. Early in my photography career, third party lenses were decent alternatives for a lower cost option, but my own experience was that the cost savings also came at a cost in performance. Those lenses werent as sharp, focused slower, and werent built to the same quality of similar lenses by Nikon and Canon (and other camera brands).

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The Image Manipulation Sore just released a new set of texture brushes and I think that they have a potential to be a game changer in how compositors work with overlays. Actually, I am not a big fans of brushes. I only use them on rare occasions and mostly for stamping things. Things like my [...]

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I’m sure you’ll haveheard the buzz about Plotagraph Proby now. It’s a new web app in which you animate a photograph. It’s sweeping the photography world. Or, at least, it would be if it didn’t cost $300. And then $350 for eachyear after the first 12 months. Photographer Diako Mardanbegi thought that there must be [...]

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If there is one thing I wish I would have spent more time learningearly on in my time with Lightroom, it’s the adjustment brush.

Lightroom is an incredible editing tool, arguably the easiest one to use, and the quickest to learn. The one thing that took me a while to wrap my head around when starting out, was how to use the Adjustment Brush.In this article I’d like to share a quick excerpt from the new ... more

Lately, Ive been inspired to take things back to basics. Often I take photography too seriously and forget the importance of always staying a beginner, and sticking to fundamentals. Consider this an opportunity for me to share some practical tips Ive leaned over the last 10 years in terms of what I think makes a [...]

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Histograms are handy things. They either confirm that you’ve nailed your exposure or let you instantly see if you need to adjust. But, they can be difficult for newer photographers to understand. In this Two Minute Tipsvideo, photographer David Bergmanshows you everything you need to know about reading your histogram. So what is a histogram? [...]

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Following on from the135mm T2.2 Xeen, 50mm f/1.4AF and35mm f/1.2 APS-C, Samyang have announcedtheir third new lens in as many weeks. This time it’s actually a pair of lenses. The 28mm f/1.8 ED AS UMC for photography, andthe 20mm T1.9 ED AS UMCcine lens. Internally, both lenses have the same makup of 13 elements in [...]

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Have you ever taken a picture and then been disappointed, because it didnt capture the moment? Maybe it looked exactly like what you saw, but when you viewed the image afterwards it was lacking something.

This is one of the greatest challenges photographers face, to express a feeling or vision in a two-dimensional medium. One of the most overlooked tools in the photographers processing kit is color.

Example of a warm split tone.

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Gettingqualitysound in your videocan be tricky. Even whenyou have a greatmicrophone and field recorder, you’re hindered by the environment. Outside we have traffic, birds and other noisesto deal with. Indoors, the walls echo, and our voices can sound hollow. Outdoors, you’re on your own, but indoors, Matt from DIY Perks has a great and inexpensive [...]

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