Photography Blogs & Tutorials

One of the most confusing features of Adobe Lightroom for many users, is how to get your final results out of the software, to show them to friends or to send to customers. Different from other programs, there is only one way to “save” thing out of Lightroom – that is to an Export Images. This article will walk you through some of the options to help you demystify this often confusing function, so you can post your images on Facebook, and get them printed, all using the... more

You’d think that recording a simple conversation would be quite straightforward. Butit’s not as easy as it often looks. If you want to add a little drama you need to put some thought into it. This video from CinematicJ is primarily aimed at those shooting some kind of dramaticconversation scene for a movie. But, you [...]

The post How to shoot a dialogue scene for a movie – a primer... more

In 2001, after many years as a film photographer, I bought my first digital camera. It was a Nikon Coolpix 995, and I still remember how excited I was when I opened the box and took my first pictures with it. I was really amazed with what those three megapixels were able to do. Since then, I followed the digital road, and never looked back.

I took really good care of that camera, bought all the accessories and lens adapters for it, and took it everywhere with me. For a while it was my... more

The last place most people would expect to find portraits being shot is behind the back of a fish and chip shop. But, thats’ exactly what happens at Kazam Hakimi’s place on Oxford’s Iffley Road. He started his OX4 project, named after the area’s postcode, to create a “tapestry” of the characters that frequent his [...]

The post This fish and chip... more

These days, most cameras and lens build quality ispretty high. Even if not completelyweather sealed they can still take quite a lot of abuse from nature. Sometimes, though, you do want to take the extra step to protect your kit. LandscapePhotographerBenjamin Jaworskyj has a great tip to help cover your gear at virtuallyno cost. I [...]

The post Protect your gear from rain and snow for less than $1... more

It’s been a bit of an emotional weekend for us Canadians – our “national rock band”The Tragically Hip performed their final concert on Saturday night in a performance that was half mourning and half celebration. Earlier this year, lead singer Gord Downie was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer – but instead of fading away, Gord [...]

The post Homage to the Tragically Hip... more

365 Days of Photos, One Photo a Day, One Shot, One Day, 365 Days Challenge do they sound familiar to you? Have you ever wanted to take at least one photo a day, every day and I mean every single day? Well I did. I read few interesting articles about it and I [...]

The post How to fail at your One Photo A Day Project appeared first on DIY... more

About three years ago,Jasmine Star was busted for copying content from various photography bloggers around the web. It was so bad thatJasmine’s speaking slot on WPPI was canceled. Jasmine issued a public apology and we all thought that the story was over. Seems like nothing has changed. Stop Stealing Photos found that Jasmine’s post aboutInspiration [...]

The post Jasmine... more

Well, it looks like the issues with EyeFi may not be a problem for Canon shooters. At least, not all Canon shooters. A couple of weeks ago, Digicame-info reported that instructions and specs for Canon’s new W-E1 WiFi adapter had been leaked. One point of notewas the listed dimensions. 24x32x2.1mm; the same as the SD [...]

The post Leaked photos and specs show Canon... more

Seeing the Milky Way with your own eyes is what you may call a jaw dropping experience, but one that can be truly achieved only in complete darkness. While stars are visible even in light polluted areas, the Milky Ways beauty, which is actually caused by concentrations of stars, gas and dust, fades away in the light polluted areas and cannot be seen.

Before going in to practice, you need to understand few things about the appearance of the Milky Way:

  • The part that you... more
