Photography Blogs & Tutorials

As a beginner photographer, I still remember experimenting with random photo-shoots of colorful fruits, leaves and flowers. Believe it or not, capturing the inanimate has always been one of our favorite pass time activities as photographers. But, not anymore! With so much demand for lively product shoots in magazines and websites, still life photography is a million dollar business today.

Capturing the still life is a very unique photographic experience. With your subject being... more

Lets face it, we all love to take pictures, basically to get out there and photograph what makes us happy and gets our creative juices flowing. Many of us, myself included, hate sitting in front of the computer, sorting and sifting through images from a session, wedding, or just personal work. Frombusy professionals to active hobbyists, having a good solid workflow and method of organizing images is crucial.I am a wedding, lifestyle and travel photographer. So my workflow is slightly... more

David Stoddart is a photographer andpost-processing obsessive from Suffolk. He travels the Uk creating composites from his adventures, and has recently been creating a series based on planes from the world wars. Here David takes us through one of his composites. This is one of my favourite Photoshop composites, mostly because the subject matter of [...]

The post How to make a plane fly in Photoshop... more

The chances are as a photographer that you pay close attention to light and colour, even if you dont have a camera in your hand. Its possible then that you might have noticed how your colour perception changes as the light fades. Its self-evident that we have no colour vision in the dark. You only [...]

The post Have you ever noticed the Purkinje Shift? appeared first on... more

Sign Sign Everywhere a Sign check out theseimages of neon signs.

By wbeem

Weekly Photography Challenge – Neon

If you live in an urban center or city, chances are you can find some neon nearby somewhere. Look for old diners, city center squares, movie theatres (especially old marquees... more

Food can be a difficult subject to photograph. There’s all kinds of things to take into account about the colour and texture of the food. You’ve got to make it look appetising to the camera, even if it doesn’t always look that way in real life. Shooting a single frame is difficult enough. So, imagine [...]

The post This is how they shot the amazing super slow motion... more

Ansel Adams is one of those legends of photography that most people have heard of. Whether they’re a photographer themselves or not, they know who he is. They know of his work, they may even own some of it. For those of us who are photographers, haveyou ever wondered what it would have beenlike to [...]

The post If you ever wondered what it was like to be taught by Ansel... more

As the song goes, we are bombarded by signs on a daily basis. Traffic signs, store signs, window signs, it’s never ending. But what if those signs are extremely photogenic like neon ones?

See what these photographers have created by shooting some neon signs (some lit up, some not).

By James Marvin Phelps

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I don’t know why so many photographersseem to be obsessed with racing to the bottom. But, for those that are, new Australian startup“Snappr” wants to help you win. Or, lose, depending on your perspective.That’s the thing about racing to the bottom. Even if you win, you lose, because you’re not making any kind of sustainable [...]

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DJI have updated their Osmo handheld gimbal camera to provide up to 7x zoom capabilities. Like the recently announced Zenmuse Z3 zoom camera for the Inspire 1, it’s actually a 3.5x optical zoom. On top of this is a 2x “digital lossless zoom”. Technically the “digital zoom” is really a crop mode, and is only [...]

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