Photography Blogs & Tutorials

A teaser posted to GoPro’s YouTube suggests that the Karma Drone may finally be coming in a couple of weeks. We’ve known for a long time that GoPro were planning to release a drone. We did expect anofficial announcement much earlier in the year. Now that summer’s nearing its end, GoPromight be a little late [...]

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Light and dark, highlightand shadow. That’s what photography is all about.

When contrast appears, an image can be made.

Let’s have a look at what some photographers did with extreme contrast – stripes.

By newelly54

By Thomas Hawk

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Canon have announced their new flagship cinema camera, and it’s quite a beast. It’s a much larger camera than the previous EOS C offerings, aimed at serious production. It’s also a far more modular design offering a lot of customisation. With the optional Codex recorder, it captures 4.5K RAWvideo at up to 120fps. Internally, it [...]

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Lee Howell is an Award-Winning Commercial photographer and creative retoucher based in the UK, specialising in advertising, fashion and contemporary editorial portraiture. Here, he shows us how he created his image, Walk on the wildside. For this series I wanted to produce an ongoing body of work where the elements of the animal kingdom and [...]

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Instagram has finally added a pinch to zoom feature to their app. A feature so underwhelming that they didn’t even mention it on their blog (although, they did post to Instagram, heh). Ok, so perhaps I’m being a little harsh. It’s a feature that hasbeen askedfor ever since Instagram first launched. At least, people asked [...]

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Live View versus optical viewfinder on your DSLR, pros and cons?

By Pascal

If you shoot with a DSLR you probably use the same method for taking pictures that most people do, holding the camera up to your eye and looking through the viewfinder before snapping the shutter button.

This tried-and-true method has several benefits, including letting you see precisely what you are going to... more

Canon have announced that they’ve developed a new CMOS sensor with a global shutter and expanded dynamic range. While a wider dynamic range is always good for every camera use, the global shutter is huge for video shooters. Finally, we’ll be able to completely eliminate “jello wobble“, skew and other rolling shutter artifacts in DSLR [...]

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The waveform is video’s answer to the histogram. Like a histogram it shows the brightness levels throughout your image. Also like the histogram, it can be confusing to those new to video or colour correction. While the information displayed is essentially the same, how it displays it is very differently. This video from Aputurewalks you [...]

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Hasselblad seem to be going insome interesting directions lately. Between the world’s first medium format mirrorless camera, and their venture with DJI, the world was already quite impressed. This latest announcement, though, has me a little curious. Let’s start at the beginning. Motorola recently launchedthe Moto Z Droidphone. This phone allows for what are called [...]

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The Eiffel Tower. The Statue of Liberty. Redwood trees.Not all the world fits into our horizontal frame of it. Some of it climbs up and up! For those images you need to learn a new technique; vertical panoramas, or vertoramas as they are known.

What are vertoramas?

A vertorama is simply a panorama, but shot vertically. It is for the tall things of the world, and uses much of the... more
